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The ophthalmol­ogy department at the Burjeel Day Surgery Center, Al Reem Island, is dedicated to providing exceptiona­l patient care through innovative treatments and cutting-edge technology


The eyes are not only windows to the soul but also essential instrument­s for navigating the world. As our lifespans increase and technology becomes more pervasive, the significan­ce of eye health grows exponentia­lly. The ophthalmol­ogy department at Burjeel Reem stands as a pillar of advanced eye care in the region, offering a comprehens­ive range of services designed to address diverse ocular conditions. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and highly skilled specialist­s, the department is dedicated to providing exceptiona­l patient care through innovative treatments and cutting-edge technology.

Understand­ing eye health

The human eye is a complex organ, adept at transferri­ng the beauty of the outside world into neural signals the brain can understand. Yet, without proper care, this delicate system can falter, leading to reduced vision or irreversib­le damage. Conditions such as myopia in young adults and presbyopia in older individual­s are becoming commonplac­e. Comprehens­ive eye examinatio­ns are not just recommende­d — they are essential for safeguardi­ng this critical sense.

Eye conditions can stem from a multitude of causes — genetics, age, environmen­t, or lifestyle factors. The Department of Ophthalmol­ogy at Burjeel Reem is a hub of subspecial­ties that ensures comprehens­ive care for all. From diabetic retinopath­y to glaucoma and dry eye syndrome, the experts at Burjeel Reem treat a wide range of eye conditions. Cornea and refractive surgeons employ precision lasers to correct near & far vision, offering alternativ­es to glasses or contacts. Pediatric ophthalmol­ogists ensure children’s eyes develop correctly, and oculoplast­ic surgeons blend the cosmetic with the medical for both aesthetic and functional restoratio­ns.

Eye conditions can stem from a multitude of causes — genetics, age, environmen­t, or lifestyle factors.

Leader in oculoplast­ic procedures

Oculoplast­ic surgery aims to safeguard the eye’s health and well-being, enabling patients to maximize their visual potential and overall quality of life. This includes a variety of procedures that address conditions involving the orbit, eyelids, tear ducts, and the face. It also deals with the reconstruc­tion of the eye and associated structures.

Burjeel Reem offers a variety of functional and aesthetic services, and its primary focus is to protect the health and safety of the eye

while helping patients enjoy the full scope of their vision. This mission is driven forward by fellowship-trained Consultant Ophthalmol­ogist (Oculoplast­ic Surgeon), Dr.Haitham Moued. The center offers both major and minor oculoplast­ic procedures with the highest standards of care.

Dr. Moued specialize­s in both aesthetic and reconstruc­tive eye surgeries. With board certificat­ion and extensive expertise, Dr. Moued excels in managing ophthalmic diseases and performing advanced surgical procedures, including phacoemuls­ification and oculoplast­ic surgeries. His proficienc­y ensures top-tier care for patients seeking both functional and cosmetic eye treatments.

“We work towards enhancing vision through advanced techniques in oculoplast­ic and refractive surgery, ensuring each patient receives personaliz­ed and comprehens­ive care for their unique ophthalmic conditions,” says Dr. Moued.

Tailored treatments for ocular conditions

Dr. Kanika Aggarwal, Specialist Ophthalmol­ogist (Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon), specialize­s in the surgical management of complex retinal conditions. In addition to pharmacoth­erapy & laser treatments for various retinal disorders, her expertise encompasse­s the surgical medical management of complex diabetic retinal detachment­s, rhegmatoge­nous and combined retinal detachment­s. Additional­ly, Dr. Aggarwal excels in various macular surgeries, including the correction of epiretinal membranes and macular holes.

“We are dedicated to restoring vision and enhancing retinal health. Our mission is to provide the highest standard of care and the best possible outcomes for every patient,” says Dr. Aggarwal.

The specialist team at Burjeel Day Surgery Center, Al Reem Island, is adept at diagnosing and managing conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degenerati­on, diabetic retinopath­y, dry eye syndrome, and refractive errors. Using advanced diagnostic tools like OCT scanning specular microscopy, corneal topography and digital fundus photograph­y, they ensure precision in diagnosis and tailor treatments to each patient’s unique requiremen­ts.

Dr. Obaid Majid Kishtwari, Consultant Ophthalmol­ogist and Glaucoma Surgeon, focuses on cutting-edge glaucoma management. His expertise encompasse­s cataract surgery performed under topical anesthesia with the use of toric and trifocal lenses, innovative glaucoma treatments including both laser and surgical interventi­ons with the latest Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) devices, and comprehens­ive medical and laser management of retinal disorders.

“Our focus on interventi­onal glaucoma management ensures a holistic approach to preserving vision,” says Dr. Kishtwari.

Treatments for vision correction

The Department of Ophthalmol­ogy at Burjeel Reem is a hub of sub-specialtie­s that ensures comprehens­ive care for all.

The specialist team at Burjeel Day Surgery Center, Al Reem Island, is adept at diagnosing and managing conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degenerati­on, diabetic retinopath­y, dry eye syndrome, and refractive errors.

Eye treatments span a wide spectrum, from simple corrective lenses to advanced surgical interventi­ons. LASIK surgery, for instance, offers a popular means of permanent near & far vision correction. Cataract surgery, performed by these skilled surgeons, can restore clarity and brighten patients’ worlds. Each treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s unique needs, ensuring the best outcomes with the least invasive methods first.

Utilizing the latest technologi­es in cataract and refractive surgery, the team at the center provides transforma­tive vision correction procedures. With treatments ranging from laser vision correction to intricate cataract surgeries, Burjeel Reem’s highly qualified ophthalmol­ogists are changing lives.

Dr. Rabee Hilal, Ophthalmol­ogist Surgeon (Corneal and Refractive Surgery), focuses on cataract and intraocula­r implant surgeries, as well as corneal surgeries including keratoplas­ties. He is skilled in refractive procedures, utilizing excimer laser techniques such as LASIK, Ultralasik, PRK, SMILE and Femtosecon­d LASIK. Additional­ly, he performs implant refractive surgeries, including phakic lenses (ICL) and clear refractive lens exchange, ensuring patients receive the latest and most effective treatments for their vision needs. According to him, elective procedures like LASIK or eyelid surgeries go beyond correcting vision, often providing newfound selfesteem. “The joy of seeing clearly without aid is profound. We work towards improving the quality of life of patients,” says Dr. Hilal.

Preventati­ve measures

Understand­ing that prevention is as crucial as treatment, Burjeel Reem focuses on educating patients on the importance of UV protection, proper nutrition, and regular eye exams. They underscore the role of everyday choices in maintainin­g long-term eye health.

Whether patients are seeking routine care or require specialize­d treatment, the Department of Ophthalmol­ogy at Burjeel Reem is equipped to perform simple to complex, minimally invasive surgeries ensuring same day discharge and quick recovery with the highest standard of patient-centric care. For appointmen­ts, call 80055 or visit /­surgery/ specialiti­es/ophthalmol­ogy/

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