Gulf News

5 ways to avoid eye sunburn this summer

From wearing the right kind of sunglasses to ingesting hydrating fruit, we share a listicle that will have you crying for joy through the hot months

- GN Focus Report

In many ways the eyes, just like your skin are about as vulnerable to getting sunburned from too much exposure to ultraviole­t rays. Sunburn in the eyes, also known as photokerat­itis, could possibly disappear within a few days, but it’s important to realise that UV exposure in the short term can cause some uncomforta­ble symptoms. Here’s how you can avoid it all.

1 Seek shade during the hotter hours

Visiting the outdoors should generally be avoided if possible during the hotter hours in summer here in the UAE. If that is not possible ensure you seek shade wherever and whenever possible while outside. While helping generally avoid running the risk of harbouring vision-related issues, it also helps unwanted exposure to harmful UV rays.

Selecting right sunglasses is 2 key

Sunglasses are an excellent fashion accessory (see our feature on fashionabl­e eyewear on pages 10-11) but more importantl­y offer excellent protection to your eyes over those harsh summer months. However, choosing the right kind of sunglasses is important if you wish to keep these harmful effects at bay. Opt for sunglasses that offer complete UVA and UVB protection, for instance and also ensure that they cover the eyes entirely.

Managing dry eyes 3

Dry eye syndrome can noticeably increase during the summer months because of the high temperatur­es and harsh winds. Again, in regions that see a dry climate, places with low humidity are hotspots for dry eye. Your body also makes less tears in a dry climate, since tears logically evaporate quicker in such conditions, leading to less natural lubricatio­n for your eyes when it needs this the most. Air conditioni­ng is also a possible cause for dry eye syndrome, with the forced air in your car, or at home and the workplace again making your tears evaporate faster. Smoke and dust are the other reasons that could lead to dry eye syndrome.

The smoke coming off your barbecue grill, for instance may be inviting but it’s definitely not welcoming to your eyes, irritating and drying out your eyes rapidly. Dust particles in your home, car, or office are equally harmful and a possible cause for dry eyes. There’s a lot that can be done to reduce discomfort arising from dry eye syndrome and prevent even potential vision loss but two of the most common prevention cues include wearing the correct type of sunglasses, as well as using lubricatin­g eye drops.

Healthy diet 4

Maintainin­g a nutritious diet helps support eye health and provide a natural defence. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts and salmon, are beneficial for the eyes. Additional­ly, incorporat­ing ample green vegetables into one’s meals promotes eye health.

Hydration 5

Staying adequately hydrated is extremely critical to maintainin­g body health, especially during the hot summer months, and the same stands for your eyes as well. This includes ingesting enough water, as well as consuming hydrating fruits that prevent dehydratio­n and address eye-related concerns during the summer season. Hydrating fruit can include everything from strawberri­es, grapefruit and oranges to watermelon, cantaloupe and peaches.

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