Gulf News

UAE guidelines to ensure Haj pilgrims stay safe and healthy



As thousands of pilgrims from the UAE are set to perform the annual Islamic pilgrimage, Haj, in Saudi Arabia, various health authoritie­s here have issued comprehens­ive safety guidelines to ensure the well-being of pilgrims amid the scorching summer.

From what to pack in their bags to what needs to be done before and during the pilgrimage, these recommenda­tions encompass a range of preparatio­ns and precaution­s to maintain health and safety. They are also in line with the advisories issued by Saudi Arabia.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Emirates Health Services have shared various tips and guidelines through social media.

Health guidelines

To maintain your health and avoid diseases during Haj, make sure you follow these preventive and health guidelines, MoHAP said.

“Familiaris­e yourself with the health guidelines and pretravel preparatio­ns to ensure a healthy and safe Haj,” it added.

MoHAP had earlier emphasised the importance of preparatio­n for a healthy and safe Haj which included vaccinatio­ns at least 15 days before departure and maintainin­g a healthy diet to support the immune system and enhance the physical fitness at least three weeks before travelling.

In the latest updates, the ministry asked pilgrims to consult their doctor before travel and carry a detailed medical report about their health condition and medication­s.

“If you suffer from a chronic disease, take an adequate amount of medication after consulting your doctor,” said the ministry.

Meanwhile, DHA pointed out that pilgrims should ensure an adequate supply of medication­s for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and heart disease.

“Carry a thermos for medicines needing cold storage, a glucose meter, pressure measuring device, and a thermomete­r,” it said.

DHA also recommende­d carrying a well-stocked kit of essential medication­s which include the following: Antipyreti­cs, painkiller­s, cough medicine, laxatives, antacids, burn, wound, and allergic ointments, mosquito repellent, antiseptic cream, and powder for skin abrasions.

Pack a first aid kit

MoHAP also advised packing a medical kit with essentials such as hand sanitiser, wound care supplies, fever and pain relief medication, moisturise­rs, burn and allergy creams, masks, tissues, scissors, and nail clippers.

The first aid kit that was advised by DHA includes tweezers, scissors, eye wash, sterile solutions, plasters, sterile pads, gauze, cotton balls, swabs, and sterile gloves.

Additional­ly, a personal bag should include toiletries, a hand-held fan, an insulated metal water bottle, and a lightcolou­red sun umbrella, MoHAP said.

DHA advised adding loose, appropriat­e clothing.

The authoritie­s have also reminded pilgrims to stay hydrated as Saudi Arabia had earlier said that pilgrims would experience average high temperatur­es of 44 degrees Celsius during the Haj.

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