Gulf News

UAE genome project makes great strides



We encourage everyone to cooperate with this comprehens­ive national medical programme to make our community healthier and our future generation­s stronger.”

The Emirati Genome Programme has successful­ly collected over 600,000 samples from across the country so far, and efforts are under way to expand this to one million samples, revealed His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, as he chaired the UAE Cabinet meeting at Qasr Al Watan, Abu Dhabi, yesterday.

Reviewing the achievemen­ts of the Emirates Genome Council, Shaikh Mohammad said: “More than 1,000 of our medical profession­als have been trained to support this programme. The contributi­on of over 600,000 citizens to this programme ensures the developmen­t of a clear map of genetic and hereditary diseases in the country, aiding in the creation of targeted treatments for these diseases. This will result in better and stronger health care for future generation­s. We encourage everyone to cooperate with this comprehens­ive national medical

Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

programme to make our community healthier and our future generation­s stronger.”

Premarital screening

He added that an experiment­al launch of premarital screening to cover all genetic and hereditary diseases will take place in the coming period. “The UAE Genome Council has made significan­t strides in establishi­ng the country’s global scientific position in this field and utilising this new science to develop comprehens­ive and integrated health care for new generation­s,” he said.

The UAE Cabinet yesterday approved the issuance of a new federal traffic law to adapt to the increasing use of self-driving vehicles, electric cars and other forms of personal mobility.

This came during a Cabinet meeting chaired by His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhabi.

The Cabinet meeting was attended by Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Presidenti­al Court; Shaikh Maktoum Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, First Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Lt Gen Shaikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, and other ministers.

The legislatio­n provisions include the classifica­tion of vehicles, general obligation­s of drivers, categories excluded from obtaining driving licences, conditions for granting licences, suspension of driving licenses and permits, driving schools, vehicle insurance and inspection, and obligation­s related to self-driving vehicles.

UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry

The Cabinet approved a decision to form an inter-ministeria­l team headed by the Ministry of Economy, with the membership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, to re-develop the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Shaikh Mohammad said: “We also approved the formation of a working team led by the Ministry of Economy to develop the UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry. This aims to chart a new path for its role in enhancing the economy, opening markets, building new partnershi­ps with the world, and enabling our local companies to enter global markets.”

Communicab­le diseases

The Cabinet approved a federal law on combating communicab­le diseases. It details provisions to establish a legislativ­e framework on prevention, monitoring, reporting, and handling according to their nature, severity, and spread of each disease. The new law builds on the UAE’s expertise in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Protection of tourists

The Cabinet approved the UAE’s commitment to the principles and recommenda­tions of the Internatio­nal Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT) to be used as a guiding manual. The code, prepared by the UN’s World Tourism Organisati­on, aims to accelerate tourism recovery after the pandemic.

UAE-Italy conference

The Cabinet also approved the hosting of the UAE-Italy bilateral conference this year, aimed at opening avenues for scientific cooperatio­n between UAE University and Italian universiti­es in research and applicatio­ns of advanced materials in the fields of energy, environmen­t, and health.

Bankruptcy law

The Cabinet approved a decision on the Executive Regulation­s

of the federal decree-law concerning financial restructur­ing and bankruptcy. Its provisions include defining the federal and local competent authority to execute the law’s provisions and its implementi­ng resolution­s, as well as specifying the format and data to be enclosed in the records of individual­s subject to judicial decisions imposing or lifting any restrictio­ns ordered by the court, and controls and procedures of preventive settlement.

We approved the formation of a working team led by the Ministry of Economy to develop the UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry. This aims to chart a new path for its role in enhancing the economy, opening markets, building new partnershi­ps with the world, and enabling our local companies to enter global markets.”

Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Cross-border licensing of financial products in GCC

The Cabinet approved a decision to adopt the regulatory framework for cross-border licensing of financial products between market regulators in the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) countries.

The Cabinet empowered the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commoditie­s Authority to approve the crossborde­r licensing regulation­s to be agreed upon by the regulators after the regulatory framework comes into effect.

Etihad Rail board

The Cabinet approved the reconstitu­tion of the Board of Directors of Etihad Rail for three years, chaired by Shaikh Theyab Bin Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Cabinet also approved the reconstitu­tion of the UAE Circular Economy Council, chaired by Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, and the UAE Youth Council for a renewable one-year term.

 ?? Courtesy: Dubai Media Office ?? Shaikh Mohammad, Shaikh Mansour and Abdullah Mohammad Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, during the Cabinet meeting held at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhai yesterday.
Courtesy: Dubai Media Office Shaikh Mohammad, Shaikh Mansour and Abdullah Mohammad Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, during the Cabinet meeting held at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhai yesterday.

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