Gulf News

Seoul summit helps heal regional rifts

China, Japan and South Korea agree to resume free trade talks at the first East Asian trilateral summit since 2019

- BY SAJJAD ASHRAF ■ Sajjad Ashraf was a member of Pakistan Foreign Service from 1973 to 2008 and served as an ambassador to several countries.

Leaders of South Korea, Japan and China met for an important summit — their first gathering since 2019, in Seoul at the end of May. Korea was represente­d by President Yoon Suk-yeol, Japan by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and China was represente­d by Prime Minister Li Qiang.

While President Yoon aimed to enhance Korea’s reputation as a “global pivotal state”, the Chinese prime minister — focusing on economic engagement — hoped for a “restart and a new beginning” in relations among the three major economies of Asia.

He also called for the comprehens­ive resumption of cooperatio­n among the three countries that are among the economic power houses in the world.

The East Asian trilateral summits started in 2008 during the global financial crises, when nations felt a compelling need to consult and coordinate policies in the wake of the crises. The series lost momentum after the fifth summit in 2012. The sixth could only be held in 2015. The summits met again in 2018 and 2019 not to return till now.

A significan­t developmen­t, albeit bilateral, occurred when both President Yoon and Prime Minister Li agreed to establish a regular dialogue between the two countries involving foreign and defence ministers of China and Korea. The 2+2 meeting shall take place mid-June.

Along with the major commercial relationsh­ip, a regular security relationsh­ip can only help ease Korea-China misunderst­andings.

Though not physically present, North Korea’s shadow loomed large over the meeting. As the three leaders met in Seoul, North Korea in its inimitable theatrical timing attempted to launch a spy satellite into space, which exploded after take-off.

The leaders of Japan and Korea condemned the test and called for the denucleari­sation of the Korean Peninsula. Both Japan and South Korea worried at North Korea’s advances in nuclear and missile technology have long held this aspiration. Even, “to discuss the denucleari­sation … constitute­s a grave political provocatio­n and sovereignt­y violation,” said the DPRK spokespers­on.

The biggest success of the summit was to agree on resumption of negotiatio­ns of the free trade pact among the three. China is the biggest trading partner for both Korea and Japan. The idea of a free-trade agreement among the three makes economic sense. It is therefore, in their interest to maintain healthy relationsh­ip with China. “The resumption of negotiatio­ns towards a trilateral FTA may be regarded as a positive step for all involved.

These three nations have long proved that they can get along very well in terms of trade and investment,” said Dr Minseon Ku, an expert on foreign policy and internatio­nal security at Dartmouth College in the United States.

Given the neighbourh­ood and the extent of relations, Korea and Japan will do well despite the rivalry between Washington and Beijing. It would be good for the peace in the region.

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