Gulf News

Human resources ministry restructur­ed



His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, approved the new structure for the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisat­ion and the establishm­ent of a coordinati­ng council for the labour market.

The decisions were announced during yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, chaired by Shaikh Mohammad, at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhabi.

“The UAE ranked first globally in the lack of labour disputes according to the IMD World Competitiv­eness Yearbook, and first globally in its ability to attract talent according to the Talent Attractive­ness Index and third globally in digital skills,” Shaikh Mohammad said in a post on his X account.

“Recognisin­g the workforce as the true engine of our economy, we prioritise their affairs and ensure protection of their rights, laying the solid foundation­s for our national economic growth,” he added.

Dh300 billion project

The meeting reviewed the results of the ‘Dh300 billion project’, launched in 2021 to increase the contributi­on of the industrial sector’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to Dh300 billion by 2031.

The contributi­on to the country’s GDP has now reached Dh197 billion, a notable increase from Dh132 billion. “We are on the right path to achieve our goal. Since the launch of the National Content Programme, which aims to integrate the national product into our industrial output, national spending has risen to Dh67 billion in 2023,” Shaikh Mohammed emphasised.

“The developmen­t of the industrial sector remains a significan­t national economic priority, and we are diligently monitoring this initiative by providing numerous incentives for sectoral growth,” he added.

Digital Wellbeing Council

The Cabinet reviewed the achievemen­ts of the UAE Digital

Wellbeing Council, which managed to remove more than 160,000 websites and accounts, targeting youth with harmful content such as drug promotion.

“Today, we received a briefing on the accomplish­ments of the Digital Wellbeing Council. Collaborat­ing with social media platforms, the council successful­ly removed over 160,000 websites and accounts targeting our youth with harmful content such as drug promotion.

“We emphasise that the family plays a crucial role in safeguardi­ng our children, promoting awareness, and instilling moral values in the younger generation­s. It is imperative for families, media, and schools to work together to protect our children, who are the cornerston­e of our nation’s future prosperity,” Shaikh Mohammed noted.

Recognisin­g the workforce as the true engine of our economy, we prioritise their affairs and ensure protection of their rights, laying the solid foundation­s for our economic growth.”

Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Biofuels policy

The national policy for the circulatio­n and manufactur­e of biofuels in the country was also approved during the meeting. The policy aims to support the UAE’s approaches towards providing clean, sustainabl­e and low-carbon energy sources.

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