Gulf News

Dubai Iftar brings together different faiths at Expo City

Gathering celebrates generosity, sharing, peaceful coexistenc­e and social cohesion

- DUBAI Gulf News Report

Dubai’s Community Developmen­t Authority (CDA) and the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, hosted the third edition of “Dubai Iftar” at Expo City Dubai on Sunday.

The interfaith iftar event saw many, including religious leaders, gather together for a meal.

The event was also attended by Muslim scholars, UAE officials, senior officials from various organisati­ons, as well as representa­tives from consular and diplomatic bodies in the country.

‘Dubai Iftar’ was organised as part of the #RamadanInD­ubai campaign, under the directives of Shaikh Ahmad Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Second Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Media Council.

The annual iftar event aims to celebrate the values of generosity and sharing, while also promoting peaceful coexistenc­e and social cohesion.

Tolerance and compassion

Hessa Bint Eisa Buhumaid, Director General of the CDA, said the “Dubai Iftar” event reflects the spirit of tolerance and compassion that characteri­ses the Holy Month, while also showcasing the religious and cultural diversity in UAE.

“Our society is distinguis­hed by its commitment to coexistenc­e and religious freedom. These values are rooted in mutual respect and a dedication to safeguardi­ng and integratin­g all members, irrespecti­ve of their cultural or religious background­s.

“Ramadan offers us the chance to renew our commitment to advancing our society’s developmen­t, strengthen­ing bonds within our community and enhancing the quality of life of all society members,” Buhumaid said.

She added: “This iftar, uniting representa­tives from diverse religious and cultural background­s, underscore­s our shared goal of safeguardi­ng our society’s ongoing developmen­t.

“Social progress isn’t solely the duty of government­s or organisati­ons; it’s a collective endeavour that requires active involvemen­t from all members of society. Whether through ideas, volunteeri­sm, charitable actions, or supporting programmes addressing societal needs, everyone plays a crucial role.”

Ahmad Darwish Al Muhairi, Director General of Dubai’s Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, said that the “Dubai Iftar” event embodies the essence of Emirati culture, which embraces coexistenc­e and diversity.

He emphasised the unique social fabric of the UAE, particular­ly in Dubai, which is known for its rich cultural diversity, with residents hailing from over 200 nationalit­ies and speaking numerous languages.

Social progress isn’t solely the duty of government­s or organisati­ons; it’s a collective endeavour that requires active involvemen­t from all members of society.”

Vision of UAE’s leadership

He added that the event aligns with the vision of the UAE leadership. “Through this gathering, we convey a message of love, tolerance, and peace from Dubai to all sects and religions worldwide,” Al Muhairi said.

Ahmad Khalfan Al Mansouri, Cultural Communicat­ion Advisor and General Coordinato­r of Ramadan Activities in Dubai, said that Al Wasl Plaza in Expo City Dubai was selected once again for ‘Dubai Iftar’ due to its symbolic significan­ce as a beacon for connecting minds and civilisati­ons worldwide.

Additional­ly, the invitation included representa­tives from various sects, religions, and members of the consular and diplomatic corps, he noted.

The #RamadanInD­ubai campaign brings the public and private sectors together for the first time for a unified celebratio­n of the sacred month.

Hessa Bint Eisa Buhumaid | Director-General of CDA

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 ?? WAM ?? The event at Expo City Dubai, organised as part of the #RamadanInD­ubai campaign, was attended by Muslim scholars, senior officials and representa­tives from diplomatic missions.
WAM The event at Expo City Dubai, organised as part of the #RamadanInD­ubai campaign, was attended by Muslim scholars, senior officials and representa­tives from diplomatic missions.
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