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SBI told to share donors’ list by today


India’s Supreme Court yesterday rejected a plea by the government-run State Bank of India for more time to make public names of individual­s and companies who donated billions of rupees to political parties through an opaque funding system.

The court had, on February 15, scrapped the sevenyear-old election funding system that allowed unlimited and anonymous donations to parties, calling it “unconstitu­tional”.

That decision was a setback for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, which has been the largest beneficiar­y of the system, and came ahead of a national election expected to be held in April or May.

SBI had been asked to share names of the donors, the beneficiar­ies and the amounts with the independen­t Election Commission of India (ECI) by March 6 and the poll panel was directed to make it public by March 13.

SBI, however, filed a petition on March 4 seeking time until June 30 — by when elections would be completed — saying it needed time to compile and match the informatio­n involving 22,217 donations.

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Responding to the plea yesterday, the court said the informatio­n SBI was asked to share is readily available with the bank and it should be shared with the ECI “by close of business” today.

The ECI should compile the informatio­n and publish the details no later than 5pm on March 15, the fivejudge bench ordered.

“We place SBI on notice that we might be inclined to proceed on wilful disobedien­ce of court order if it does not comply with the timeline given today,” the bench led by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachu­d said.

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