Gulf News

Success secrets: How UAE women CEOs built empires


- BY ANUPA KURIAN MURSHED Senior Digital Content Planning Editor

An inspiring mother, a supportive family, constant learning. Plan B and C. These were the key lessons from women CEOs and founders, who were part of the panel discussion, titled ‘The Entreprene­urial Journey: From Idea to Impact’.

Ghada Sawalmah, CEO, Gargash Hospital; Vandana Gandhi, CEO and founder, British Orchard Nursery and Teacher Training Centre; Rosemin M. Ophenhaffe­n, founder of RR and Company, and Omnia Abd Elmoaty, co-founder, Kinetics Dubai, spoke about how building a great team and listening to their own heart was key to their entreprene­urial success.

“At work, you have your work family. A lot of people... when they say work family, it tends to be a negative connotatio­n to a business, but when you mean it with your actions and being understand­ing to the people in the organisati­on, from the cleaning person to the director, CEO — it makes a difference,” said Sawalmah. “There is a balance that comes in, a form of serenity that comes in, a form of trust that would otherwise not be available in a workplace.”

Gandhi added: “The team is something that we build... having been at the Harvard School just last month, they said that we entreprene­urs, our only job is to make teams and keep teams. We are the music makers as entreprene­urs, as CEOs, maybe at a particular point, invest in teams, make them, build them, keep them, change them. So, a team is the be all and end all for any CEO or any entreprene­ur.”

How to build a team

A sentiment shared by Ophenhaffe­n: “I started my business out of my dining room when it happened overnight, and I got a call from a very big luxury brand out of New York .... I had this ‘aha!’ moment that I had a company. I took out a pad of paper, and I did an analysis of myself. And I think it was the best thing I ever did. It was looking at my strengths, my weaknesses... what are my skill sets? Looked for everywhere there was a gap, that’s how I started building my team. I needed a team which could execute my vision. I don’t need multiples of me.”

That team also includes your parents, friends, and family.

“It’s all about the support you receive from your surroundin­gs, the support you receive from your parents. This is what push a young entreprene­ur needs to compete in this competitiv­e ecosystem,” concluded Elmoaty.

 ?? Virendra Saklani/Gulf News ?? Moderator Anupa Kurian Murshed with Ghada Sawalmah, Dr Vandana Gandhi, Rosemin M. Ophenhaffe­n and Omnia Abd Elmoaty during the ‘The Entreprene­urial Journey’ discussion.
Virendra Saklani/Gulf News Moderator Anupa Kurian Murshed with Ghada Sawalmah, Dr Vandana Gandhi, Rosemin M. Ophenhaffe­n and Omnia Abd Elmoaty during the ‘The Entreprene­urial Journey’ discussion.

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