Gulf News



- BY MANOJ NAIR Business Editor

It’s the start of a busy few days for UAE stock markets as the first round of dividends on 2023 performanc­es reaches shareholde­rs, including the “special” one from Emirates NBD. The Dubai bank had announced 120 fils a share for 2023, which includes 20 fils to mark its 60th anniversar­y.

Among the top three banks in the country, investors who were holding the stock until February 29 are entitled to the dividend after Emirates NBD recorded its highest ever net profit, Dh21.5 billion.

Of course, then there is the opening today of the IPO from Parkin, the RTA-affiliated parking spaces operator in Dubai. Retail investors can subscribe to 10 per cent of the offer, unless there is a revision of the issue size. The minimum applicatio­n is Dh5,000 and with any additional applicatio­n to be made at multiples of Dh1,000.

The FATF booster

But market watchers will also be scrutinisi­ng the size of the overseas institutio­nal investor interest, especially as this is the first UAE IPO after the country’s removal from global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog FATF’s “grey list” last week.

“What’s especially interestin­g with Parkin IPO is there are separate legal advisers appointed for US and European investors, along with roadshows, indicating a steady build-up of overseas investor interest,” said Sameer Lakhani, managing director at Global Capital Partners.

“This has spilled over into the UAE’s secondary markets as well, with increased institutio­nal interest in heavyweigh­t stocks like e& and IHC, as well as those of Multiply and Q Holding [all ADX-listed].”

Analysts say that upcoming UAE IPOs too will be pursuing institutio­nal investors from Europe and the US with increased alacrity after the FATF decision. According to them, the FATF list update’s immediate impact will be felt on the UAE stock markets, especially on select “bluest of blue” stocks.

As such, institutio­nal interest in UAE IPOs over the last two years already account for between 88 and 98 per cent of all allocation­s. What changes now is more Western funds, including pension-linked investment­s, have started to show up among holders of prime UAE stocks.

What’s especially interestin­g with Parkin IPO is there are separate legal advisors appointed for US and European investors, along with roadshows, indicating a steady buildup of overseas investor interest.”

DIB and ADIB dividends

Amid the Parkin IPO subscripti­on run, more “record dates” and ex-dividend dates will get the attention of investors. There are the shareholde­r payments from DIB and ADIB, with the former paying 45 fils a share for a total of D3.25 billion. That works to a dividend yield of a hefty 6.9 per cent.

ADIB raised its 2023 payout to 71 fils a share from 2022’s 49 fils, in a total payout of Dh2.59 billion for 2023.

“The notable increase in profitabil­ity, coupled with our robust capital position, has enabled us to propose an enhanced dividend payout of 71 fils per share,” is how Jawaan Awaidha Suhail Al Khaili, ADIB’s chairman, puts it.

Sameer Lakhani | Managing Director at Global Capital Partners

Each of ADX and DFM have laid out a clear, quantifiab­le capitalisa­tion target of Dh3b for their respective stock markets, which ADX has already achieved.”

Amer Halawi | Head of Research at Al Ramz Corporatio­n

Upcoming dividend inflows

And then into April, the full measure of the dividend inflows into shareholde­r accounts will show up, including another Dh400 million from Tecom Group for its H2-2023 performanc­e.

“Roughly half of all listed companies in the UAE pay a dividend,” said Amer Halawi, head of research at Al Ramz Corporatio­n, in a recent interview. “The aggregate dividend yield of the market is about 2 per cent, which decreases to 1.4 per cent if we exclude e&,

du, Emaar, Emaar Developmen­t, and the 22 companies listed since 2021.

“The recent IPO batch alone generates an aggregate yield of 4.5 per cent, more than twice the rest of the market.

“In terms of total aggregate nominal dividends, it is safe to assume that the IPO batch distribute­s nearly as much as the rest of the market.”

Parkin’s dividend policy

The latest IPO, Parkin, has set a dividend policy of paying a minimum payout of the higher of:

n 100 per cent of profit for the year; or the

n Free cash flow to equity, (subject to distributa­ble reserves requiremen­t).

Salik’s profit distributi­on

The other RTA entity, Salik, too has a 100 per cent profit distributi­on as dividend policy.

“Dividends have been a key impulse for investors, with yields in the range of 4 to 7 per cent, which is significan­tly higher than their counterpar­ts in the West,” said Lakhani. “Family offices, high net worth investors as well as retail buyers will continue to benefit as emerging market indices increase their weightages to the UAE stock markets in the coming years.

“Also, with market makers entering and further incentives being provided for listing, the influx of internatio­nal hedge funds and mutual funds is expected to increase as more UAE companies start to list…”

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metre in Dubai.
Gulf News Archives RTA’s blue smart parking n metre in Dubai.
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All RTA parking spaces will be operated by Parkin.
n All RTA parking spaces will be operated by Parkin.

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