Forbes Middle East

Leading Teams, Enhancing Lives

Led by founder and CEO, Jeffrey Henseler, Passport Legacy has rapidly evolved into a globally trusted residence and citizenshi­p-by-investment firm, dedicated to enhancing the lives of stakeholde­rs worldwide.

- www.passportle­

Jeffrey Henseler’s journey from a quaint Swiss village of 800 inhabitant­s to spearheadi­ng a multinatio­nal organizati­on spanning five countries and catering to a global clientele, is a testament to his remarkable trajectory and growth as a leader. As the CEO of Passport Legacy, a company he founded in 2018, Henseler has remained steadfast in his commitment to delivering immigratio­n investment solutions for internatio­nal investors. Since its inception, the company has guided high-net-worth individual­s through complicate­d processes within residency and citizen-byinvestme­nt programs, with the clear goal of delivering life-changing benefits to these individual­s, their families, and their businesses.

Henseler’s inspiratio­n to enter the world of investment migration came from his experience as an intern assigned to Dubai, and then Bahrain, at the age of 19. In Bahrain, he met a Syrian family in the process of their migration journey to Antigua and Barbuda. Witnessing the family’s joy when they received their new passports created a lasting impact on Henseler and inspired him to become an instrument of positive change for people seeking a better life in other countries.

Today, Passport Legacy operates from its main headquarte­rs in Dubai, with an internatio­nal network of six offices in Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Singapore. At the heart of the organizati­on is a team of 40 dedicated and passionate immigratio­n experts who provide personaliz­ed services to thousands of individual­s wishing to secure their future in destinatio­ns like the U.A.E., Europe, North America, and the Caribbean.

Fostering a Collaborat­ive and Adaptive Approach

Over the years, the strong standing of Passport Legacy in a competitiv­e market can be attributed to the company’s management approach, driven by Henseler’s firm belief that his team’s capabiliti­es are the main growth driver for the business’ success.

Passport Legacy has developed a progressiv­e company culture that is closely aligned with Henseler’s personal vision and that centers on developing an environmen­t of growth, innovation, and ethical practices. The founder’s commitment to embedding excellence and integrity in the corporate strategy is solidifyin­g this, enabling an ecosystem where business growth and quality services co-exist harmonious­ly.

Addressing Changes Inside and Out

Undoubtedl­y, the investment migration industry is as fluid as the times. To stay on track with his goals while navigating the everchangi­ng regulatory landscape, Henseler does not hesitate to adopt new strategies to keep the company agile and responsive. When faced with challenges such as market fluctuatio­ns and constant geopolitic­al shifts, he tackles issues head-on, implementi­ng thorough risk assessment­s, seeking input from team members, and weighing the long-term implicatio­ns of their decisions.

Staying abreast of industry trends and technologi­cal advancemen­ts is also key and involves continuous learning within the team, networking with industry leaders, and participat­ing in global forums. Additional­ly, the company invests in R&D to integrate the latest technologi­es into its services.

“Passport Legacy operates from its main headquarte­rs in Dubai, with an internatio­nal network of six offices in Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Singapore

The internatio­nal team behind Passport Legacy prides itself on consistent­ly providing its clientele with tailored migration solutions. Achieving this is no easy task, but Henseler’s unique operationa­l style has enabled his team to deliver the outstandin­g results the company is known for.

To do this, the organizati­on places great value on a culture of continuous improvemen­t, encourages innovation at all levels, and adapts a responsive approach to market needs.

Enabling a Positive Corporate Culture and Giving Back to the World

Internally, Henseler places great emphasis on the value of effective communicat­ion as a fuel for overall organizati­onal success. Passport Legacy utilizes a mix of digital platforms and personal interactio­ns, holding regular team meetings and encouragin­g an open-door policy. As a result, wherever they operate in the world, the team members stay aligned, informed, and engaged.

Being a truly internatio­nal organizati­on, Passport Legacy celebrates cultural diversity among its team members. Work-life balance is encouraged, and each member’s contributi­on and profession­al growth are highly valued. For Henseler, attracting and retaining talent is vital and the company is committed to ensuring it offers competitiv­e benefits, a supportive work environmen­t, and opportunit­ies for internatio­nal exposure and advancemen­t.

For Henseler, this is because human connection is the core of every action. He has cultivated this value throughout his travels to Africa, which have made him acutely aware of the realities faced by the marginaliz­ed segments of society in countries like Mozambique. Their situations have inspired the CEO to establish philanthro­pic activities in the country, partnering with the local government of Vilankulo to set up an orphanage called GoodWill Mozambique.

Funded by Passport Legacy, the orphanage now houses 50 orphans between the ages of seven and 18. Henseler strongly believes that by allowing children and teenagers to experience the safe and secure environmen­t they have been deprived of, they have a greater chance of growing up to become responsibl­e, independen­t individual­s who can eventually contribute to the growth of their local communitie­s.

What Lies Ahead

Despite only being active for five years, Passport Legacy’s impact has reached far and wide, serving numerous migration investors across several countries and changing their lives for the better. More importantl­y, the company has been the catalyst for empowering numerous individual­s with freedom and opportunit­y and for helping to create a new chapter that will echo through the generation­s.

For Henseler, the team will continue to stay committed to its promise of positively impacting the world. Over the next decade, his vision is to establish the company as a global leader in the investment migration industry, expanding its presence in key markets and pioneering innovative solutions by diversifyi­ng its service offerings. This includes leveraging technology to enhance the client experience and expanding its services to address emerging needs in global mobility and investment.

 ?? ?? Jeffrey Henseler, founder and CEO of Passport Legacy
Jeffrey Henseler, founder and CEO of Passport Legacy
 ?? ?? Passport Legacy partnered with the local government to establish the Goodwill Mozambique Orphanage, which provides a new home for up to 50 children. Jeffrey Henseler, as the esteemed guest of honor, led the opening of the orphanage.
Passport Legacy partnered with the local government to establish the Goodwill Mozambique Orphanage, which provides a new home for up to 50 children. Jeffrey Henseler, as the esteemed guest of honor, led the opening of the orphanage.
 ?? ?? St. Lucia provides citizenshi­p and the opportunit­y for global mobility to internatio­nal investors.
St. Lucia provides citizenshi­p and the opportunit­y for global mobility to internatio­nal investors.
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