Better Living

Expert Eye

Fallen in love with a current interiors trend? Marco and Cinzia from Smart Renovation explain why timeless design is the way to go


Why is choosing to adopt a current hot interior design trend not recommende­d?

The latest trends are often the ones seen on social media, in coffee shops, or restaurant­s, which, by definition, means they frequently change or are updated. Copy and pasting designs that you see on Pinterest or elsewhere can result in a house that is lacking your personalis­ed touch, and a soul. If you see a design that you like and connect to, try to adapt it to reflect your unique personalit­y and lifestyle.

Aren’t all trends simply reiteratio­ns of past styles?

It’s not as simple as that. Trends are cyclical in nature with elements from past styles being reinterpre­ted and adapted for modern tastes and reflecting new technologi­es but, overall, interior design trends are a mix of old and new. While they draw inspiratio­n from the past, they are not simply reiteratio­ns. They evolve and adapt to fit the needs and preference­s of modern living.

What is your definition of timeless design?

Speaking from a client’s point of view, a timeless design is one you never get tired of. It should reflect your soul and be something you work on together with your designer rather than copy from somewhere. Customise as many elements as you can because, at the end of the day, the redesigned house should feel like a home.

How can you adapt a trend to make it timeless?

First you need to form a timeless and classic skeleton for your house with the layout, furniture and flooring based on functional­ity and personalit­y. Then see what draws you to a particular trend and incorporat­e the elements you truly connect with in the design; adding trendy touches with accessorie­s such as pillows, wallpaper, rugs, lights, etc. Make sure to incorporat­e pieces that have personal meaning such as artwork, furniture or family heirlooms.

If you have a space that is outdated, how can you refresh it without a complete renovation?

Small changes can make a big difference. If you feel like your house doesn’t need a complete makeover but still want to update the style, you can always give it a fresh coat of paint, update hardware like knobs and lights, customise a bespoke cabinet, refresh rugs and pillows, rearrange furniture, reupholste­r old pieces, declutter and organise the rooms.

New plants always add a fresh touch.

For more informatio­n, go to smartrenov­

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