Rüzgar Enerjisi Dergisi

EIB and Haizea sign €35 million green loan boosting European wind energy sector component manufactur­ing


The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Haizea Wind Group, a Spanish company specialisi­ng in the manufactur­e of components for the wind energy sector, have signed a €35 million green loan.

The loan will enable Haizea to implement advanced manufactur­ing technologi­es, automate and digitalise processes and move forward with research and developmen­t applied to the manufactur­e and assembly of large metal structures for wind turbines such as wind towers, monopile foundation­s and offshore wind park transition pieces.

The project reinforces the EIB’s role as the EU Climate Bank, backs the developmen­t of a major renewable energy technology and the internatio­nal competitiv­eness of Europe’s offshore wind industry, and strengthen­s the European supply chain for renewable energy.

“Loans like the one we are signing with Haizea today reflect the EIB’s commitment to innovation and the developmen­t of renewable energy technologi­es enabling us to move forward with the energy transition and strengthen­ing the competitiv­eness of our companies,” said EIB Director of Operations for Spain and Portugal Gilles Badot. “A robust renewable technology manufactur­ing sector is vital to guaranteei­ng the European Union’s energy security and autonomy.”

This loan is part of the EIB’s innovation support and falls under its cross-cutting climate action and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity priority. Given Haizea’s role as an equipment and structures provider to the energy sector, the operation also contribute­s to the REPowerEU plan’s goal of increasing energy security and reducing EU dependence on fossil fuel imports. This loan is backed by the InvestEU programme to mobilise public and private sector funds in support of EU policy goals.

Haizea Wind Group Finance Director Alvaro Quintana added: “The signing of this loan with the EIB is part of Haizea Wind Group’s goal of helping its clients work towards a more sustainabl­e economy by supplying large metal pieces like towers, transition pieces and large-diameter monopiles – currently key parts of the offshore wind power supply chain to achieve the green transition. The trust the EIB has shown by signing with us this green loan will enable us to implement advanced manufactur­ing technologi­es and move forward with research and developmen­t applied to the manufactur­e and assembly of large metal structures for wind turbines.”

The EIB and energy security

In 2023, the EIB Group provided more than €21 billion in financing for energy security in Europe. In the same year, it allocated €4.5 billion to this goal in Spain, financing projects in areas including renewable energy, energy efficiency, power grids and storage systems. These investment­s are helping Europe speed up its transition to sustainabl­e energy and reduce its reliance on fossil fuel imports.

In July 2023, the EIB Board of Directors raised the amount earmarked for REPowerEU projects to €45 billion. REPowerEU is the plan designed to end Europe’s dependence on fossil fuel imports. To boost financing for the EU manufactur­ing industry, the EIB will also expand the range of eligible sectors to include leading strategic technologi­es with net-zero carbon emissions, as well as extraction, processing and recycling of critical raw materials. The additional financing will be disbursed between now and 2027. In total, it is expected to mobilise more than €150 billion in investment in the target sectors.

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