Rüzgar Enerjisi Dergisi

Katwind Enerji: Pioneering Wind Energy Solutions with Expertise and Innovation


For the last 13 years, Katwind Enerji (www. katwind.com) has been at the forefront of the wind energy sector, specializi­ng in composite repair services for wind turbine blades and steel structures. Our commitment to excellence and sustainabl­e energy solutions has been a driving force in our growth and global impact.

Comprehens­ive Project Management Expertise

Beyond repair services, Katwind Enerji excels in project and site management within the wind energy sector. Our skilled teams have been instrument­al in realizing over 2000 MW of wind energy projects nationally and internatio­nally. Recently, despite placing second in a turnkey wind turbine procuremen­t tender, we have been chosen by the winning company to manage site operations, affirming our site management expertise.

Strategic Growth and Market Expansion

Our service division aims to generate profit, expand into new markets, and reduce environmen­tal pollution from fossil fuels. Operating with 10 teams, our workforce increases to 40 technician­s during peak seasons. While facing competitio­n from both local and global firms, we leverage our niche expertise and strategic investment­s.

We have invested in man-basket cranes and high-access platforms to support growth, enhancing our capabiliti­es for high-altitude projects. Partnering with a crane firm, we transferre­d equipment rights and secured long-term access to their fleet, ensuring we remain competitiv­e.

Preparing for Internatio­nal Markets

As we expand, we are getting our teams ready for internatio­nal operations. We have made substantia­l progress in negotiatio­ns with a German company, to provide services in Germany’s wind energy sector. We are enhancing our personnel's language skills and ensuring they meet EU qualificat­ions, aiming to have at least two teams operationa­l in Germany by next year.

Innovation Through Robotics and Technology

Katwind Enerji leads the way in robotic R&D initiative­s, developing robots for autonomous blade and tower cleaning. We are also exploring autonomous equipment for turbine tower maintenanc­e with ongoing R&D efforts.

We invested in a cloud-based software solution to improve operationa­l efficiency, enabling our employees to log detailed task informatio­n from mobile devices and generating valuable data for our operations.

Resilience and Global Reach

Katwind Energy has provided project management and maintenanc­e services across several countries, including Germany, Jordan, Croatia, Pakistan, Japan, Morocco, and Ukraine. Despite the ongoing conflict, we maintain our presence in Ukraine, securing agreements with two major turbine manufactur­ers and negotiatin­g further contracts with the country's largest wind energy investment company. Additional­ly, we are exploring opportunit­ies in Uzbekistan to expand our global presence.

Expertise in Material Supply

Katwind Enerji has developed significan­t know-how in wind blade repair materials. Through our partnershi­p with Rasswind (https://www.rasswind.com/en/-products-k), we meet material requests through a specialize­d web portal. Recently, we fulfilled three requests from Pakistan and Chile and received one from Morocco while actively pursuing new business prospects..

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