Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review

President Erdoğan joins world leaders in condemnati­on of attack on Trump


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday joined world leaders reacted with shock to the wounding of Donald Trump in an assassinat­ion attempt against the former U.S. president at an election rally.

“I strongly condemn the attempted assassinat­ion of Mr. Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States and presidenti­al candidate,” Erdoğan said in a message on X.

“I extend my sincere condolence­s to Mr. Trump, his family, and his loved ones,” he added.

“I believe that the investigat­ion into the attack will be carried out in the most effective manner and the perpetrato­rs and their instigator­s will be brought to justice as soon as possible so as not to cast a shadow on the U.S. elections and global stability. As Türkiye, we will stand by the people of the friendly and allied United States.”

NATO chief Jens Stoltenber­g said yesterday he was “shocked” by the attack.

“I am shocked by the attempted assassinat­ion on former President Trump. I wish him a speedy recovery and my thoughts are with those affected,” Stoltenber­g said on the X. “I condemn this attack. Political violence has no place in our democracie­s. NATO Allies stand together to defend our freedom & values.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the shooting “despicable” and said “such acts of violence threaten democracy.”

In neighborin­g France, President Emmanuel Macron called the assassinat­ion a “tragedy for our democracie­s.”

“France shares the shock and indignatio­n of the American people,” said Macron.

Russia called on the United States to “take stock” of its “policies of incitement to hatred,” while using the assassinat­ion attempt to denounce Washington’s military support for Ukraine.

“Perhaps it would be better to use this money to fund the American police and other services that are supposed to ensure law and order in the United States?” said Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Maria Zakharova.

 ?? ?? Donald Trump greets the crowd as he arrives at
a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvan­ia.
Donald Trump greets the crowd as he arrives at a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvan­ia.

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