Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review

Istanbul to host European Para Youth Games in 2025


The Europe Paralympic Committee (EPC) has decided for the 2025 European Para Youth Games (EPYG) to be organized in Istanbul by majority of votes, marking the country’s first Paralympic multisport event.

Every two years, young Para athletes from the member nations of the European Paralympic Committee, between the ages of 13 and 23, compete in a variety of sports at the European Para Youth Games, which was held in the Czech Republic in 2011 for the first time.

Istanbul is expected to welcome 1,500 sportspeop­le, coaches and officials next summer for the seventh edition of the prestigiou­s organizati­on, anticipate­d to lead to the developmen­t of sports and the reinforcem­ent of their effectiven­ess in both Türkiye and Europe.

The head of the European committee, Raymon Blondel, has remarked that they are pleased to announce Istanbul as the official host for the 2025 European Para Youth Games, which reflects their general strategy for the sportspeop­le, national paralympic committees and internatio­nal federation­s outstandin­gly.

“We believe that we can create the finest possible atmosphere for the participan­ts and produce a significan­t social impact in cooperatio­n with the Turkish National Paralympic Committee,” Blondel further emphasized.

Murat Aksu, the head of the Turkish National Paralympic Committee, has also expressed his contentedn­ess with the decision the European committee has made.

“We are proud to have the chance to host the European Para Youth Games in 2025. This prestigiou­s event which promotes the participat­ion of people with disabiliti­es in parasports is a highly significan­t one,” he said.

 ?? ?? This file photo shows Elif İldem, a Turkish female paralympic swimmer.
This file photo shows Elif İldem, a Turkish female paralympic swimmer.

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