Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review

Customs units thwart 1 bln liras smuggling attempt


Authoritie­s have foiled smuggling attempts worth more than 1 billion Turkish Liras in several cities, including Istanbul, seizing counterfei­t currency and leading to several arrests.

In a landmark operation in the southern province of Mersin, customs enforcemen­t teams from the Trade Ministry intercepte­d a smuggling attempt valued at 1 billion liras. The teams targeted containers labeled as “Humanitari­an Aid Material.”

Upon suspecting the containers, the teams subjected them to an x-ray scan, which revealed unusual densities. A physical search uncovered 130,000 kilos of toy-type goods in six containers and fabric-type commercial goods in two containers, all disguised as humanitari­an aid. The seized goods were valued at approximat­ely 1 billion liras and the investigat­ion is ongoing under the Mersin Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Simultaneo­usly, in the northweste­rn province of Kocaeli, teams identified suspicious containers through risk analysis studies. These containers were also subjected to x-ray scans, which confirmed the teams’ suspicions. A detailed physical search revealed a cache of 248,639 commercial goods across four containers.

The seized goods were valued at approximat­ely 22 million liras.

In a separate operation in Istanbul, the Anti-Financial Crimes Branch Directorat­e seized 1.5 million counterfei­t U.S. dollars and arrested three individual­s. Intelligen­ce indicated that a criminal organizati­on was smuggling counterfei­t currency from Iraq into Türkiye The police tracked the network, identifyin­g a planned meeting in the Fatih district on May 22.

During the operation, one suspect was apprehende­d with 1.5 million fake dollars and digital evidence.

 ?? ?? The teams target containers labeled as aid material in Mersin.
The teams target containers labeled as aid material in Mersin.

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