Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review

Istanbul Municipali­ty opens new course to support women drivers

- Fatma Aksu

The Istanbul Municipali­ty’s new course empowers women drivers by teaching them tire changing and vehicle maintenanc­e, encouragin­g gender equality in automotive skills.

Hundreds of women navigating Istanbul’s traffic will now be able to change their own tires, thanks to a new course offered by the municipali­ty. This initiative aims to empower women drivers by providing practical automotive skills traditiona­lly attributed to men.

The tire changing and vehicle maintenanc­e course, coordinate­d by the municipali­ty’s suborganiz­ation on women and founded on the basis of gender equality, has garnered significan­t interest among women drivers. Conducted biweekly in groups of 15, the course equips participan­ts with essential skills, allowing them to take charge of their vehicle’s maintenanc­e. The workshops span six hours, divided into four hours of theoretica­l instructio­n and two hours of hands-on practice.

Tire expert Özlem Aslan Kaki leads the course, teaching women about tire properties, usage, storage life and proper replacemen­t techniques. Kaki also provided crucial safety tips, advising against changing just one tire on the same axle and warning against patching a tire more than four times.

“I have been driving since 1984 but never changed a tire until now. In emergencie­s, people would always help. This course has shown me that I can handle it myself.” said Nebahat Ömeroğlu, a participan­t.

Lale Çokgezer, another attendee, expressed, “I’ve been driving since I was 18, but I never knew much about tires. I used to call my husband or ask passersby for help. It’s great to learn and be independen­t.”

 ?? ?? Experts teach women about tire changing and vehicle maintenanc­e as a part of Istanbul Municipali­ty’s course.
Experts teach women about tire changing and vehicle maintenanc­e as a part of Istanbul Municipali­ty’s course.

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