Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review

Argentine economic activity plunges amid government’s austerity drive


Argentina’s economic activity continued to plummet in March, as President Javier Milei’s government slashes spending, official figures have shown.

The national statistics agency, INDEC, said that economic activity had slowed 8.4 percent year-on-year in March, the biggest such interannua­l change since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Milei took office in December, vowing to halt Argentina’s economic decline and reduce the budget deficit to zero.

He slashed public spending, cut the cabinet in half, did away with tens of thousands of government jobs, suspended new public works contracts and ripped away fuel and transport subsidies.

He also devalued the peso by 50 percent, and the measures have hit consumers hard. While inflation is slowing, prices are still up some 290 percent from the previous year.

“Without a doubt, the path that the level of activity is following already speaks of a recession,” said Joel Lupieri, an economist at the consulting firm EPyCA.

The constructi­on industry saw economic activity drop 29.9 percent year-on-year after Milei canceled almost all public works.

Manufactur­ing activity dropped 19.6 percent, as aluminum and steel factories, automakers and tire manufactur­ers laid off workers and cut production.

The overall slump in activity is on its fifth consecutiv­e decline since November.

The consulting firm Equilibria estimates a total 240,000 job losses in the first quarter of 2024.

The latest official data from INDEC in 2023 said some 41 percent of the country was living in poverty. A more recent study from March this year by the Catholic University puts this figure at 55 percent.

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund expects that Argentina’s economy will contract by 2.8 percent this year.

 ?? ?? Health workers protest outside the Health Ministry against Argentinia­n President Javier Milei’s government in Posadas, in the Misiones province.
Health workers protest outside the Health Ministry against Argentinia­n President Javier Milei’s government in Posadas, in the Misiones province.

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