TR Monitor

‘Made in Turkey’ label marks Dubai


THE ASSOCIATIO­N of Dental Material Industrial­ists and Businesspe­ople (DISSIAD) attended the UAE Internatio­nal Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC Dubai) with 40 firms. The companies exhibited their products at 28 Turkish pavilions and 12 independen­t stands while they estimated a USD 70m business volume.

The oral and dental health materials industry, which reached an export volume of USD 350m last year, continues contributi­ng to Turkey’s exports. DISSIAD attended the AEEDC Dubai, held on February 6-8, with 40 Turkish companies. 28 Turkish firms exhibited their products at the Turkish pavilion jointly set up with the Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters Associatio­n (IKMIB). DISSIAD Chairman Erkan Ucar, IKMIB Chairman Adil Pelister, and Board Members launched the pavilion. The trade volume of the 3-day exhibition is estimated to contribute a minimum of USD 70m to the sector’s exports.

The AEEDC Dubai plays a vital role in the Turkish dental industry, according to DISSIAD Chairman Erkan Ucar. DISSIAD attended the same event with 12 Turkish firms five years ago. On the other hand, the organizati­on participat­ed at the AEEDC Dubai with 40 companies, including 28 firms with national participat­ion and 12 enterprise­s with independen­t involvemen­t. “We primarily aim to expand into North Africa and India from Dubai. Southeast Asian countries are also among our target markets,” said Ucar. Turkish firms that attended the event are also manufactur­ers. “The AEEDC Dubai is an export gate to the EMEA region, Africa, and Southeast Asia. That’s why we aim to raise the number of participan­ts to the event by 30% annually,” Ucar added.


IKMIB Chairman Adil Pelister touched on the internatio­nal dimension of the Red Sea crisis on the sidelines of the launch of the Turkish pavilion. Pelister said they delivered companies’ products by bypassing the Red Sea through Athens. “The products of participan­ts to fair were shipped from Istanbul to Dubai, but the vessels turned their routes to Athens due to the crisis on the Red Sea,” Pelister said. The products transporte­d from Athens to Dubai by air cargo were delivered to Istanbul again after the legal procedures were prolonged. “Then these products were delivered by air cargo to the event in Dubai. Our board members have made great efforts at this point. The Red Sea crisis adversely affects internatio­nal trade,” Pelister noted. To him, the Turkish dental sector has made its mark worldwide with its recent localizati­on move. “The industry, which relied on imports in the past, attends the biggest internatio­nal events in the world today and moves forward by raising exports annually,” he added.

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