TR Monitor

Backstage of the F-16 process


is experienci­ng a similar situation THE GLOBE to the period that led to the Second World War in the last century.

On the one hand, some countries are protectors of the order they constructe­d; on the other hand, some revisionis­ts chase a new order more suitable for their interests.

However, when it comes to Israel, the U.S. and accompanyi­ng countries have ignored the order they have constructe­d.

The United Nations (UN) was establishe­d as one of the most critical actors of the internatio­nal order after the Second World War. As the U.S. was the primary founding member, the UN headquarte­rs is still in New York.

The Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) is a court that was establishe­d under the umbrella of the UN. South Africa, a UN member, filed a case at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice against another UN member, Israel, due to its military operations in Gaza after the October 7 attacks.

The ICJ decided on an interim injunction on ongoing Israeli operations following the first phase of the case. The court ruled that Israel must immediatel­y terminate genocidal operations in Gaza and ensure immediate access to basic services needed by people living in the region.


Interestin­gly, the first response to the Internatio­nal Court of Justice’s decision came from another country that isn’t directly related to it, the U.S.

The U.S. announced that it had suspended its financial support to UNRWA, which is an internatio­nal organizati­on establishe­d under the umbrella of the UN to assist Palestinia­ns. The reason for Washington’s decision is the allegation­s that several employees of UNRWA, which employs hundreds of people, were involved in the October 7 attacks.

The suspension decision of the U.S. was immediatel­y adopted by its closest allies, Australia and Canada. They also announced that they have halted funding of the most critical umbrella relief agency, UNRWA, at a time when Gaza needs the most.

The U.S. administra­tion couldn’t have taken a more concrete step to destroy the order instead of acting as the guard of its constructe­d order.


Turkey is another country that disrupts the order, which works for its interests in foreign policy. Foreign policy steps, which can be considered a defeat, have been presented as a victory in present Turkey.

The most concrete precedent of it is the permission of the U.S. to sell F-16 fighter jets, which Turkey highly needs, in return for the approval of Sweden’s NATO entrance.

The U.S. administra­tion sent the official letter to Congress that approved the sale of 40 F-35s to Greece on the same day when it paved the way for Turkey to purchase F-16s.

However, Turkey was involved in the F-35 project, the fifth-generation fighter jet program, from its first day. Turkey was kicked out of the F-35 project, in which it was a founding partner, with the purchase of S-400s from Russia, which couldn’t be adequately explained to the public how and against whom they could be used. Two F-35 fighter jets Turkey paid for weren’t delivered, and they weren’t refunded.

And now, the American press wrote that the U.S. ultimatum was influentia­l in the negotiatio­n to purchase the F-16 fighter jet. The Washington administra­tion officially notified that there would be no permission to sell F-16s if Turkey doesn’t approve Sweden’s NATO membership in January, but the process for F-35s sales to Greece would start. Thereupon, Ankara hastily passed the approval of Sweden’s NATO membership through the Parliament.

The conclusion is that Turkey’s air defense is in such a difficult situation that it has settled for the fourth-generation fighter jet, F-16s. Greece, on the other hand, has become the owner of the fifth-generation F-35s.

That is the summary of the situation. Turkey pays a heavy cost for its foreign policy mistakes.

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