The Phuket News

Patong officials clean up Bangla’s ‘notorious’ Soi Lao


LOCAL OFFICIALS IN PATONG ARE ramping up efforts to address ongoing issues in the popular tourist area of Patong by taking steps to improve public safety, cleanlines­s and order in the area, with particular focus on Soi Bangla and what an official report called the “notorious” Soi Lao.

Led by Kathu District Chief Thammarong Chuay-akson and supported by various local agencies, a team of officials conducted an inspection of the popular nightlife area on Sept 5.

Joining the inspection were Patong Deputy Mayors Sanakorn Keesin and Lalita Maneesri, along with Weerawit Kreuasomba­t, President of the Patong Entertainm­ent Business Associatio­n (PEBA) Weerawit Kreuasomba­t, who also serves as Advisor to Patong Mayor Chalermsak Maneesri.

The initiative aims to tackle several issues, including drug-related activities, illegal street vending and the “misuse of public spaces”, explained an official report of the inspection.

The primary focus is on Soi Lao, a public alley off Soi Bangla, where illegal activities, including drug sales, have been reported, the report added.

Mr Weerawit revealed that Patong Municipali­ty had received numerous complaints about Soi Lao being encroached upon by private interests and becoming a hub for illicit activities.

The complaints are currently being contested in court, and local leaders are confident that Soi Lao will soon be restored as a public space, possibly housing a security and tourist assistance centre.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor Mr Sanakorn stressed that additional police patrols would be deployed in Soi Lao, particular­ly at night when illegal activity tends to increase after entertainm­ent venues close.

Patong Municipali­ty is also enforcing stricter rules on food carts operating in public areas, such as Patong Beach, he said, citing concerns about waste, traffic obstructio­n and general disorder.

The crackdown is part of a broader campaign by the Patong Municipali­ty to clean up the area and enhance its reputation as a safe and beautiful destinatio­n for tourists, the official report noted.

Officials have announced strict enforcemen­t measures, including arrests and fines for those violating rules, such as selling food in restricted areas or setting off fireworks on the beach, the report added.

The Phuket News

 ?? Photo: PR Phuket ??
Photo: PR Phuket

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