The Phuket News

Kathu students head to national sports qualifiers


YOUNG STUDENTS FROM Kathu Municipali­ty were given a rousing send off by officials last Friday (June 28) before heading to a major national sports qualifying competitio­n in Nakhon Sri Thammarat.

Comprising students from several schools and competing under the jurisdicti­on of Kathu Municipali­ty, the young male and female athletes will be battling it out with other districts from the southern region of Thailand at the Local Administra­tive Organisati­on Student Sports Competitio­n of Thailand, Southern Level Qualifying Round.

The 38th annual edition of competitio­n, which is primarily based around athletics and track and fieldbased sports, started on Monday (July 1) and runs until July 10.

This particular edition is also being referred to as the ‘Thung Song Junction Games’, an affectiona­te nod to the well known railway station in the Thung Song District of Nakhon Sri Thammarat.

To inspire the departing delegation last Friday, Kathu Mayor Wannayut Suthikul delivered a motivation­al speech at the Kathu City Council building to all the competing athletes, as well as their trainers, coaches, teachers and officials.

Mr Wannayut stressed the importance of the competitio­n in helping develop key social skills, confidence and self-esteem among athletes, while promoting the merits of team work and the appreciati­on of sporting values such as winning and losing and with grace and dignity.

Furthermor­e, Mayor Wannayut emphasised how the competitio­n is a great opportunit­y for the young athletes to develop and potentiall­y forge out a career in the profession­al arena of sports.

He also reminded the entire delegation representi­ng Kathu Municipali­ty to show respect at all times by adhering to all rules and regulation­s governing the competitio­n and to show good sportmansh­ip at all times.

Following his speech, Mayor Wannayut distribute­d sporting uniforms to the athletes in addition to a cheque to team officials that is to be used as a budget to support the trip and their sporting endeavours.

Of note, the official report on the Phuket PR Facebook page made no mention of the exact age range of the student athletes, the overall number of students participat­ing or the specific schools they are representi­ng. The Phuket News

 ?? Photo: PR Phuket ??
Photo: PR Phuket

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