The Phuket News

Phuket Senator selection underway

- Editor@classactme­

More than 240 people have registered their candidacy to be selected as the next senator representi­ng Phuket. Orapin Acheevasuk, Director of the Phuket office of the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT Phuket), confirmed the count during an inspection visit by Phuket Vice Governor Nirsak Suksomboon to one of the registrati­on centres on May 22.

Although the rate of applicatio­ns has fallen since acceptance of applicatio­ns began on Monday, May 20, the number of applicatio­ns continued to flow in steadily from all 20 society groups eligible to enter, Ms Orapin said.

Mr Norasak said that ensuring that the process was in accordance with the regulation­s, and ran smoothly, and with transparen­cy, was of high importance. Police were on standby to respond to any incidents, he noted.

Registrati­ons closed at all three registrati­on centres ‒ at Kathu District Office, Thalang District Office and Muang Phuket District Office ‒ at 4:30pm last Friday (May 24).

ECT Phuket now has until May 29 to vet the applicatio­ns and present a list of candidates eligible to enter the selection process.

After that, the District-level selection committee has until June 9 to finalise their lists of preferred candidates, with the provincial­level senator election committee, headed by Phuket Governor Sophon Suwannarat, having until June 16 to announce its list of candidates to the national-level selection committee.

The “national senator election day” [sic] is to be observed on June 26, with all new senators in the country to be formally announced sometime in July ((date not yet specified).

ECT Phuket has issued a long list of what candidates can and cannot do while waiting for the selection process to be completed.

Candidates can announce their registrati­on through any channels, and formal registrati­on can be done either on paper in person or submitted electronic­ally.

Candidates are not permitted to canvas at registrati­on centres, but can “introduce yourself through any online platform”.

However, any canvassing must comply with the following rules:

Do not involve the monarchy.

Do not allow other candidates, MPs, members of the local councils or local administra­tors, executive, directors, or people holding any position in a political party or person holding a political position, to endorse any candidate

Do not introduce yourself by arranging entertainm­ent or festivitie­s.

People who work in the media or the entertainm­ent field are prohibited from using their own abilities or profession to benefit them in introducin­g themselves.

Do not distribute identifica­tion documents by placing, scattering or posting notices in public places.

Do not introduce yourself by using violent words or inciting to cause unrest in the area.

Do not introduce yourself on radio, television or printed media.

Do not give interviews to the media, journalist­s or advertisin­g media published on various digital platforms.

People were advised to follow news about the selection of senators via the Smart Vote’ app.

Any tip-offs could be reported via the ‘Pineapple eyes’ community organisati­on.

Complaints could be reported directly via the Election Commission of Thailand hotline 1444 or via the Ombudsman’s Office (Damrongtha­m Center_ hotline 1567.

 ?? Photo: PR Phuket ?? ECT Phuket Director Orapin Acheevasuk (left) at the opening of candidate registrati­on.
Photo: PR Phuket ECT Phuket Director Orapin Acheevasuk (left) at the opening of candidate registrati­on.
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