The Phuket News

DBD targets non-reporting firms

- Dr Paul Crosio

Amid increasing scrutiny of illegal business activities, the Department of Business Developmen­t (DBD) is flagging entities that have failed to submit financial statements for three consecutiv­e years. The DBD has identified 8,221 companies, representi­ng over 900,000 individual­s, that have not submitted financial statements for several years. These entities are at risk of being declared non-operationa­l and struck off.

Non-compliant companies that wish to remain on the list must submit a letter requesting suspension of the strike-off by May 29, 2024. The DBD has notified the directors of companies that have not complied and cautions them to thoroughly verify all their company details.

DBD Director-General Oramon Supthaweet­ham stated that the DBD has also notified the Bangkok Partnershi­p Registrati­on Office about removing certain partnershi­p companies from the register. Consequent­ly, the Department has initiated legal proceeding­s to ensure accurate juristic person informatio­n, primarily focusing on Bangkok-based entities, with similar actions undertaken by Provincial Commercial Offices.

Entities marked as “abandoned” lose their legal capacity to act, yet obligation­s of key stakeholde­rs endure. Reinstatem­ent is possible within 10 years through a costly and lengthy court applicatio­n, but compliance is urged to ensure business integrity.

COMPLIANCE, AGMS, AND SUBMISSION­S As with its efforts to crack down on nominee shareholde­rs, the DBD’s efforts to identify non-compliant companies and partnershi­ps underscore the government’s focus on unlawful business activities. This includes ensuring that registered businesses in Thailand adhere to all regulation­s and fulfill necessary submission­s, such as financial statements.

Companies and partnershi­ps are typically required to submit financial statements to the DBD within one month after their Annual General Meeting of Shareholde­rs (AGM). AGMs are held annually by the Board of Directors, with invitation­s sent to all shareholde­rs.

Invitation­s for AGMs involve publishing a notice in a local newspaper at least seven days before the meeting and sending invitation­s to shareholde­rs with a means to verify delivery. For the meeting to proceed, a minimum attendance of 25% of registered capital, or as specified in the company’s Articles of Associatio­n, is required.

Only notified agenda items can be discussed during the meeting. These procedures are governed by the Civil and Commercial Code, particular­ly Section117­5.

During AGMs in Thailand, shareholde­rs review and approve the company’s financial statements for the previous fiscal year, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Shareholde­rs may also vote to appoint or re-elect members to the Board of Directors and select auditors for the upcoming fiscal year.

Decisions regarding dividend distributi­on, executive compensati­on packages, and matters related to corporate governance, such as changes to bylaws or policies, are discussed and voted upon. Shareholde­rs may also raise other business or questions relevant to the company’s operations or governance during the meeting. The AGM ensures shareholde­r involvemen­t in key decision-making processes and promotes transparen­cy and accountabi­lity within the company.

In light of the DBD’s efforts to update its database and identify non-compliant companies and partnershi­ps, entities that have failed to submit financial statements for three consecutiv­e years have to take immediate action to rectify their status.

To avoid being marked for removal, non-compliant entities must submit a letter requesting suspension of their name marking by May 29, 2024. If they have not already done so, business entities must conduct their AGMs as soon as possible to ensure financial documents have been reviewed and approved, appointmen­ts have been made, and matters related to corporate governance have been addressed.

In summary, any people involved with a company or partnershi­p that hasn’t posted their returns for three years should immediatel­y rectify their status to avoid being struck off.

This is even more important if you are holding property through a company, as being struck off means you cannot deal with the property, and it may be seized and sold.

Silk Legal provides various services related to corporate and commercial matters and can support you in conducting your AGM. This article is for informatio­n only. While we have tried to keep our updates as accurate as possible, errors and changes to proposed legislatio­n may affect your decisions. Please feel free to contact us for a free consultati­on at info@

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 ?? ?? DBD Director-General Oramon Supthaweet­ham features on the warning that any company that does not file any returns for three consecutiv­e years will be struck off. This incudes any company formed solely to hold property. Image: DBD
DBD Director-General Oramon Supthaweet­ham features on the warning that any company that does not file any returns for three consecutiv­e years will be struck off. This incudes any company formed solely to hold property. Image: DBD
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