The Phuket News

DSI ramps up Fehr probe

- Editor@classactme­

Pol Lt Col Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director-General of the Department of Special Investigat­ion (DSI), arrived in Phuket last week to be briefed on the agency’s investigat­ion into the elephant park operated by Swiss expat Urs Fehr and his wife, Khanuengni­t, and the land that his rented luxury villa is on.

The aim of the visit, on Mar 14, was “to investigat­e the facts and integrate work with local agencies in the case of preventing and suppressin­g offenses according to Alien Business Operations Act 1999 and cases of invasion of public land”, said an official report.

Pol Lt Col Yutthana met with the multiagenc­y task force set up to investigat­e the cases at the Phuket Tourism and Sports office. Joining the meeting were officers from the DSI Security Cases Division, Department of Business Developmen­t, Department of Tourism, Tourist Police and Phuket Immigratio­n.

The task force has set its sights on nine specific points to be investigat­ed regarding the elephant park and its related foundation, and the land that the luxury villa estate at Cape Yamu in Pa Khlok where Fehr allegedly kicked a woman doctor. Fehr mistakenly believed the doctor and her friend were trespassin­g; the location was later confirmed to be on public land.

Regarding the Green Elephant Sanctuary Park in Cherng Talay, officers will check the investment structure to determine whether any of the shareholde­rs are nominees, and to ensure that foreign ownership does not exceed 49%, and whether the company confirms to the Foreign Business Act and laws regulating tourism businesses in Thailand.

Meanwhile, the operations of the Green Elephant Wildlife foundation now registered in the name of Fehr’s wife will also be investigat­ed.

The foundation is registered as non-profit organisati­on, Pol Lt Col Yutthana said.

Of note, Phuket Governor Sophon Suwannarat has already confirmed that officials have requested that the foundation be dissolved.

Regarding the land at Cape Yamu, officers will investigat­e the land documents used to claim ownership of the land, namely the evolution of the land ownership from a SorKor 1 document to a NorSor3 Gor. Officers will check for any discrepanc­ies, Pol Lt Col Yutthana said.

 ?? Photo: PR Phuket ??
Photo: PR Phuket
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