Bangkok Post

Jordan hosts emergency aid summit for war-torn enclave


AMMAN: Jordan hosted a summit yesterday on the urgent humanitari­an response for Palestinia­ns enduring more than eight months of devastatin­g war in Gaza, where the United Nations has warned of looming famine.

With much of the territory’s food, water and energy cut off, the vast majority of Gazans rely on sporadic aid deliveries by land, sea and air.

The summit sought to bring together leaders and aid officials to “determine means for enhancing the internatio­nal community’s response to the humanitari­an disaster in the Gaza Strip”, according to the Jordanian royal court.

The conference, which was jointly organised by the UN, Jordan and Egypt on the Dead Sea coast, was also attended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as well as Palestinia­n president Mahmoud Abbas.

Mr Blinken is on his eighth visit to the region since the war broke out, seeking to push a truce and hostage exchange deal put forward by US President Joe Biden at the end of May.

Under the proposal, Israel would withdraw from Gaza population centres and Hamas would free hostages in exchange for Palestinia­n prisoners. The ceasefire would last an initial six weeks, which would be extended as negotiator­s seek a permanent end to hostilitie­s.

Much of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and nearly all of its 2.4 million people displaced by the war that began on Oct 7 with Hamas’s attack on southern Israel.

Aid to Gaza has been severely restricted, particular­ly since the closure in May of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt — the main conduit for humanitari­an and fuel deliveries — after Israeli troops seized the Palestinia­n side as they pursued Hamas militants.

Jordan’s foreign ministry said the conference would discuss “preparatio­ns for early recovery, and seek commitment­s for a collective and coordinate­d response to address the humanitari­an situation in Gaza”.

“The main purpose of this summit is to reach consensus over practical measures to meet the immediate needs” in Gaza, the ministry added in a statement.

Hamas’s Oct 7 attack resulted in the deaths of 1,194 people, mostly civilians, according to Israeli official figures.

Israel’s retaliator­y military offensive has killed at least 37,124 people in Gaza, also mostly civilians, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Palestinia­ns make their way through the northern Gaza Strip as they flee Jabalia refugee camp following a raid by Israeli forces on May 30.
REUTERS Palestinia­ns make their way through the northern Gaza Strip as they flee Jabalia refugee camp following a raid by Israeli forces on May 30.

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