Bangkok Post


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IBM 1401, a groundbrea­king contempora­ry dance theatre piece, will be staged at Sodsai Theatre, Chulalongk­orn University, every Friday and Saturday at 2pm and 8pm, and Sunday at 2pm and 6pm, from July 5-21.

A fusion of dance, theatre and old technology, this is a production by Chiang Mai-based theatre company Glom, in collaborat­ion with the Department of Dramatic Arts at Chulalongk­orn University, to take audiences into the intricate relationsh­ip between humanity and technology.

Directed and choreograp­hed by New York-based Thai visionary Sai Somboon, the performanc­e will be accompanie­d by a live, six-piece string ensemble from the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Thai Navy Orchestra, Pro Musica and Chulalongk­orn Symphony Orchestra.

The ensemble will recreate the ethereal score IBM 1401, A User’s Manual by Icelandic musician Jóhann Jóhannsson, which combines string with the buzzing and whirring sounds of IBM’s decimal computer launched in 1959.

Combined with dance and performanc­e, the show explores themes of connection, resilience and obsession in the mid-century as musicians and performers navigate the complexiti­es of the human spirit in an era of rapid technologi­cal advancemen­t.

The show has been described as a mesmerisin­g blend of choreograp­hy and storytelli­ng that paints a vivid picture of the early interactio­ns between humans and machines.

Sodsai Theatre is on the 6th floor of Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongk­orn University, Phaya Thai Road.

Tickets cost 1,200 baht (500 baht for students) and can be purchased from ticketmelo­

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