Bangkok Post

Volvo shifting EV production to Belgium from China


BEIJING: Volvo Car AB has started to shift manufactur­ing of Chinese-made electric vehicles to Belgium as the European Union prepares to impose tariffs on China-made EVs, the Times reported.

On top of transferri­ng production of Volvo’s EX30 and EX90 models to Belgium, the carmaker may also move assembly of some Volvo models bound for the UK, the report said, citing unidentifi­ed people. Volvo, which is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co, is seen as the most exposed among western automakers to the potential tariffs, the Times said.

Trade frictions between the EU and China have led to a barrage of antidumpin­g probes against Beijing amid allegation­s of unfair subsidies. The EU is expected to tell EV makers in China as early as this week whether it will impose provisiona­l tariffs from July 4 that would boost import duties above the current level of 10%.

Volvo Car denied the Times’ report, saying “it’s premature t o speculate on the implicatio­ns of what this investigat­ion will conclude, or any potential measures.”

“The decision to also build the EX30 in Ghent reflects our ambition to build our cars where we sell them as much as possible,” a spokespers­on said in an emailed statement. The additional capacity in Belgium had been previously disclosed, according to the company.

China last week accused the EU of working to “suppress” Chinese companies and said it will take action to safeguard its interests.

The accusation­s of unfair competitio­n against China are completely unfounded, Xinhua News Agency reported Sunday, citing earlier comments from Commerce Minister Wang Wentao.

Wang said he hoped the EU would abandon trade protection­ism and return to the path of dialog and cooperatio­n, Xinhua said.

In a separate dispute, Chinese dairy companies are preparing to ask Beijing to open an anti-dumping investigat­ion against imports from the EU, the Global Times reported on Sunday, without providing details.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Volvo displays its EX30 electric SUV at an event in Milan last June.
REUTERS Volvo displays its EX30 electric SUV at an event in Milan last June.

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