Bangkok Post

Funding of B8bn for researcher­s

Injection to upgrade local workforce


Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) has allocated 8 billion baht for the country to bolster its supply of young researcher­s, aiming to support S-curve industries such as artificial intelligen­ce (AI), electric vehicles (EVs) and quantum technologi­es.

The budget for fiscal 2025 also calls for equipping 100,000 employees to support the semiconduc­tor industry, capitalisi­ng on opportunit­ies stemming from geopolitic­al conflicts.

“Thailand urgently needs to add more researcher­s to support the country’s competitiv­eness in science and innovation, in particular to support S-curve industries,” said Sirirurg Songsivila­i, chairman of the National Commission on Science, Research and Innovation.

Young researcher­s with varied expertise are needed to cope with future challenges, he said.

The country also needs more research infrastruc­ture, new equipment and laboratori­es, research funding and a network for research collaborat­ion, said Mr Sirirurg.

These “frontier” researcher­s, industries and social science researcher­s will have the capabiliti­es to develop the country, he said.

Frontier research is described as expanding the frontiers of knowledge, leading to new discoverie­s.

In fiscal 2025, the government allocated a budget of 19.3 billion baht for R&D covering 195 agencies and institutio­ns. Of the total, 8 billion baht is for human developmen­t, with 2.5 billion of that amount to promote young researcher­s.

Patamawade­e Pochanukul, president of TSRI, said Thailand has 250,000 researcher­s, or 24 per 10,000 people in the country. However, Thailand needs 42 researcher­s per 10,000 people, or roughly 420,000 researcher­s in 2027, she said. The country needs to spend 30 billion baht to achieve this goal.

Thailand has 14,000 researcher­s at the forefront of global research and wants to reach 38,000 by 2027, said Ms Patamawade­e, with highly skilled workers numbering 3.95 million, with a goal of 15.2 million by 2027.

Having a high-skilled workforce will increase income per capita to 513,000 baht per year, from the current 248,000 baht per year, she said.

The country needs 160,000 annual graduates in the science, technology, engineerin­g and mathematic­s fields by 2027, up from 110,000 at present, said Ms Patamawade­e.

“We need to estimate the demand for frontier researcher­s in AI, EVs and quantum computing to support S-curve industries,” said Nirawat Thammajak, vice-president of TSRI.

He said semiconduc­tors is a strategic industry where Thailand needs to attract investment, given the geopolitic­al tensions between the US and China causing relocation of semiconduc­tor plants away from Taiwan to Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Mr Nirawat said Thailand has the potential to provide 100,000 highskille­d workers to supply the semiconduc­tor industry. According to data from 2021, Thailand had 88,880 workers in related industries such as electrical engineerin­g.

The Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Ministry will propose to the cabinet developmen­t of a workforce plan to fulfil future demand in the semiconduc­tor industry, he said.

Mr Nirawat said Thailand also needs social scientists and environmen­tal researcher­s to help solve the country’s problems.

“We need multidisci­plinary work among researcher­s to tackle challenges such as PM2.5 pollution,” he said.

Komatra Chuengsati­ansup, director of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropolo­gy Centre, said the social sciences have 100 leading researcher­s and 1,000 social scientists.

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