Bangkok Post

Archbishop seeks to oust Prime Minister Pashinyan


YEREVAN: A large crowd protested in Armenia’s capital Yerevan on Sunday against Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, led by a Christian cleric who announced the start of four days of rallies to seek to drive him from office.

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan is seeking to tap into popular anger over military defeats and territoria­l concession­s to Azerbaijan, but Mr Pashinyan has so far withstood the pressure.

“For four days, we will stay in the streets and squares, and with our determinat­ion and will, we will achieve victory,” said Archbishop Galstanyan, who called on parliament­ary factions to hold a special session today to remove the government from power.

A live stream on You

Tube showed thousands of people rallying in the centre of Yerevan and then marching peacefully through the streets with music blaring. There were no reports of arrests or clashes.

After weeks of protests against Mr Pashinyan appeared to be losing momentum, Archbishop Galstanyan is attempting to bring matters to a head with demands for a change of power within days. He is calling for the appointmen­t of a transition­al government to “implement reconcilia­tion”, manage foreign relations and prepare for snap elections.

But Richard Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Center in Yerevan, said the move smacked of desperatio­n in the face of waning protest numbers. The archbishop’s campaign was hampered by a lack of political experience and the absence of a clear strategy or alternativ­e vision, he said.

The demonstrat­ions, as yet, “do not pose any real challenge to the government. The only danger of escalation is from a possible over-reaction by the security forces”, Archbishop Giragosian told Reuters.

Mr Pashinyan is a former journalist who came to power after a wave of street protests in 2018. He came under heavy domestic pressure in 2020 after major losses to Azerbaijan in the second war the two countries had fought in three decades.

Last year Azerbaijan followed up with a lightning offensive to take back its Karabakh region, prompting an exodus of 100,000 ethnic Armenians who had enjoyed de facto independen­ce t here f or three decades.

Mr Pashinyan has criticised Russia for not intervenin­g with its peacekeepi­ng force in the region to stop Azerbaijan­i forces from retaking Karabakh.

He has publicly questioned Armenia’s traditiona­l alliance with Moscow and started to forge closer ties with the West. A senior US official, Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien, was due in Yerevan yesterday for talks on bilateral ties and moves towards a peace treaty with Azerbaijan.

The trigger for the latest demonstrat­ions against Mr Pashinyan was his decision to hand back four deserted border villages to Azerbaijan in May. Opponents called it a betrayal, but Mr Pashinyan defended their return as a necessary step to avoid a further war that would end badly for Armenia.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Law enforcemen­t officers detain a demonstrat­or during an anti-government protest demanding the resignatio­n of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in Yerevan, on May 27.
REUTERS Law enforcemen­t officers detain a demonstrat­or during an anti-government protest demanding the resignatio­n of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in Yerevan, on May 27.
 ?? ?? Galstanyan: Four days of rallies
Galstanyan: Four days of rallies

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