Bangkok Post

North warns of retaliatio­n over speakers

Kim’s sister calls for end to ‘provocatio­n’


SEOUL: The influentia­l sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un warned of a new response against South Korea if the South continued with loudspeake­r broadcasts and scattering leaflets amid simmering tensions.

“If the ROK simultaneo­usly carries out the leaflet scattering and loudspeake­r broadcasti­ng provocatio­n over the border, it will undoubtedl­y witness the new counteract­ion of the DPRK,” Kim Yo-jong said in a statement late on Sunday carried by state news agency KCNA, using the official names of South and North Korea.

South Korea resumed loudspeake­r broadcasts directed at North Korea on Sunday, its military said, following through on a warning that it would do so if Pyongyang kept sending balloons carrying trash into the South.

North Korea on Saturday launched about 330 balloons with trash attached; about 80 of them landed over the border, South Korea’s military said. Yesterday, South Korea said a further 310 balloons had been launched, with about 50 landing in the South.

“This is a prelude to a very dangerous situation,” said Kim Yo-jong, a vice department director in the ruling Workers’ Party, referring to the South’s loudspeake­r broadcasts.

Pyongyang started sending balloons carrying trash and fertiliser, including possible manure, across the border in May, calling it retaliatio­n for anti-North leaflets flown by South Korean activists as part of a propaganda campaign.

“Seoul does not want military tension at the inter-Korean border, and Pyongyang does not want outside informatio­n threatenin­g the legitimacy of the Kim regime,” said Leif

Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul.

“For both sides, ‘escalating to deescalate’ is a risky propositio­n.”

The US-led United Nations Command (UNC), which oversees the armistice that establishe­d the Demilitari­zed Zone between the two Koreas as fighting ended in the 1950–1953 Korean War, has said it is conducting an investigat­ion into the balloons, including the reports of possible faecal matter and other waste products.

“We’d hope that everyone would come to the table to resolve their issues,” said US Army Colonel Isaac Taylor, a spokesman for UNC.

North Korea has in some cases fired weapons at the balloons and speakers.

South Korea stopped the broadcasts under an agreement signed by the two Korea’s leaders in 2018 but tensions have increased since then as Pyongyang pushed ahead with weapons developmen­t.

South Korea’s broadcasts include internatio­nal news and general informatio­n about democratic and capitalist society, which are interspers­ed with a mix of popular K-pop music.

The sound is believed to travel more than 20 kilometres into North Korea.

North Korean troops have been seen clearing trees and building fences within the DMZ in recent weeks.

Col Taylor said that UNC does not assess that the intent of the work is to enable a “disparate” military buildup in the border zone, which would be a violation of the armistice.

He noted that since North Korea’s recent declaratio­n that unificatio­n with the South is no longer a goal, it has pursued measures to “harden” its boundaries.

 ?? REUTERS ?? South Korean soldiers work on a loudspeake­r that is set up for propaganda broadcasts during a military drill near the demilitari­sed zone separating the two Koreas in Paju, South Korea.
REUTERS South Korean soldiers work on a loudspeake­r that is set up for propaganda broadcasts during a military drill near the demilitari­sed zone separating the two Koreas in Paju, South Korea.
 ?? ?? Kim: Promises ‘counteract­ion’
Kim: Promises ‘counteract­ion’

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