Bangkok Post

BMA widens exercise gear probe

New panel to verify prices, set standard


The Bangkok Metropolit­an Administra­tion (BMA) is planning to expand its probe into the procuremen­t of exercise equipment for public parks in the capital after investigat­ors detected evidence of corruption in their preliminar­y investigat­ion.

Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt and BMA deputy permanent secretary Nathapong Disayabutr­a announced the plan after yesterday’s ninth meeting of the BMA’s board.

Mr Nathapong said investigat­ors have found several leads that suggest potential corruption in the city’s procuremen­t of exercise equipment.

He said some of these projects were not carried out in accordance with existing rules regulating the submission of bids to government agencies.

The BMA will collect all pieces of related evidence and submit them to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) for further scrutiny, he said, adding that the BMA is considerin­g forming a panel to investigat­e the matter.

Mr Nathapong also said BMA is considerin­g forming a panel to verify the prices of equipment that will be procured in the next fiscal year.

In an effort to reduce the possibilit­y of graft in future procuremen­t projects, Mr Chadchart said he had ordered the deputy governor to verify the prices listed in tenders submitted by bidders.

He also ordered BMA officials to determine the standard prices of exercise equipment to guide future procuremen­t projects.

Separately, former Democrat Party MP Watchara Petchtong submitted a petition to NACC secretary-general Niwatchai Kasemmongk­ol, calling for an investigat­ion into the BMA’s exercise equipment procuremen­t, which cost the city 77.73 million baht.

He accused Mr Chadchart of colluding with several other officials, including the Move Forward Party (MFP) members, in the Bangkok Metropolit­an Council to engage in corruption in the projects.

Mr Watchara said Mr Chadchart should resign as governor. He called on Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirak­ul to oversee BMA’s procuremen­ts.

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