Bangkok Post

Baby Reindeer inspiratio­n sues Netflix for B6.2bn


A British woman who claims she was the inspiratio­n for the stalker in the smash Netflix hit Baby Reindeer sued the streamer last week, demanding US$170 million (6.2 billion baht) in damages.

Fiona Harvey has identified herself as the real-life Martha, the delusional, violent and abusive woman at the centre of Richard Gadd’s global phenomenon, which claims in its opening episode to be “a true story”.

“The above quote... is the biggest lie in television history,” the lawsuit, filed in California, says.

“It is a lie told by Netflix and the show’s creator, Richard Gadd, out of greed and lust for fame; a lie designed to attract more viewers, get more attention, to make more money, and to viciously destroy the life of Plaintiff, Fiona Harvey.”

The seven-episode series premiered on Netflix in April and quickly became a huge hit.

The show, based on Gadd’s one-man play, follows a fictionali­sed version of the author who meets a woman in the pub where he works.

What unspools over the following episodes is a deeply disturbing years-long ordeal for Gadd in which Martha sends thousands of emails, texts and voice messages as she harasses him, his girlfriend and his family.

Martha, who the show claims to have been previously convicted for stalking a lawyer, is also shown to sexually assault Gadd.

The British writer and performer has told journalist­s that he changed details about Martha in an effort to protect her identity, but armchair detectives quickly tracked her down and began contacting her on social media. After being outed, Harvey appeared on British television, denying that she had bombarded Gadd with messages, or that she had attacked him or his girlfriend.

“The lies that Defendants told about Harvey to over 50 million people worldwide i nclude that Harvey is a twice convicted stalker who was sentenced to five years in prison, and that Harvey sexually assaulted Gadd,” the suit says.

“Defendants told these lies, and never stopped, because it was a better story than the truth, and better stories made money.

“And Netflix, a multinatio­nal billion dollar entertainm­ent streaming company did literally nothing to confirm the ‘true story’ that Gadd told.”

The suit against Netflix alleges defamation, intentiona­l infliction of emotional distress and negligence, among other claims, and demands $170 million.

Netflix did not i mmediately respond to a request for comment.

 ?? ?? Jessica Gunning and Richard Gadd in Baby Reindeer.
Jessica Gunning and Richard Gadd in Baby Reindeer.

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