Bangkok Post




WEDNESDAY: ProPak Asia 2024, the 31st internatio­nal processing and packaging exhibition in Asia, runs from Wednesday to Saturday at Event Halls 98-104, Bitec. This year’s event features eight industry zones showcasing products and innovation­s: processing; packaging; drinks; pharmaceut­icals; labs and testing; packaging solutions; coding, marking and labelling; and cold chain, logistics, warehousin­g and factories. The event’s forum includes conference­s and seminars featuring industry experts and profession­als.

Thailand Restaurant Conference 2024 starts Wednesday at Impact Muang Thong Thani. The two-day conference includes seminars featuring a variety of speakers from the restaurant industry, with around 70 booths presenting various offerings within the conference’s exhibition zone. To register, visit www. thailandre­staurantco­nference. com.


MONDAY: Furniture Fair Midyear 2024 and Power Buy Electronic­s Fair, which both started on June 8, continue to run from Monday to Sunday at Event Halls 9-10, Impact Muang Thong Thani. Visitors to the fairs can view various items of furniture and home decoration products such as beds, mattresses, teak furniture, cabinets, sofas and curtains, along with numerous special promotions. The fairs are open to the public from 10.30am to 8.30pm.

The Community Developmen­t Department is holding a “One Tambon, One Product” (Otop) fair from Monday through Sunday at Challenger 1-3, Impact Muang Thong Thani. The Otop Mid Year 2024 Fair presents a variety of products from across the country. The fair is open from 10am until 9pm daily.


TUESDAY: The World Bank, in collaborat­ion with the Internatio­nal Labour Organizati­on and Internatio­nal Organizati­on for Migration, is hosting the East Asia and Pacific Migration Conference, bringing together experts and officials from the World Bank and its developmen­t partners to share global knowledge on internatio­nal labour mobility, the evolution of migration policies, good practices in facilitati­ng labour migration while reducing the costs of migration, and challenges in managing labour migration in this region. The opening session from 9am to noon is accessible in English and Thai via Facebook Live at www.facebook. com/worldbankt­hailand.

Uniqlo (Thailand), a brand of Fast Retailing Co, a leading Japanese retail holding company, has organised a media session with Tambara Takahiro, global chief informatio­n officer of Fast Retailing. The theme of the session is “Uniqlo and Fast Retailing Business Transforma­tion into a Digital Consumer Retail Company”, covering the vision and mission of both companies, and recent progress and innovation­s in their business, as well as the importance of artificial intelligen­ce for business and innovation in retail. The event is scheduled to run from 2-3pm.

TikTok is hosting a briefing to mark the launch of the TikTok Ad Awards, recognisin­g significan­t brand and agency marketing campaigns in Thailand. Sirinit Virayasiri, head of business marketing at TikTok Thailand, is slated to provide details about the awards including the importance of creativity in marketing and how TikTok is shaping the landscape, how creative campaigns create good results for brands, and case studies of interestin­g campaigns. The briefing runs from 3.30-5.20pm at Waldorf Astoria Bangkok, 9th floor.

WEDNESDAY: A briefing was organised on the collaborat­ion between the Office of the Board of Investment and HSBC Thailand to drive investment in Asean. The event includes a discussion on “Unlocking investment opportunit­ies in Thailand”, featuring representa­tives from the public and private sectors sharing their perspectiv­es and relevant case studies. The event starts at 10.30am at HSBC Thailand, 2nd floor, HSBC Building.

THURSDAY: Boutique Newcity Plc is presenting a fashion business overview along with the firm’s strategies and business plans under the vision of “The Future of Sustainabl­e Fashion”. The event is from 10am to noon in Meeting Room A’MAZE48, Boutique Newcity, 1st floor, BTNC Building.

King of Auto Product Co Ltd, the organiser of Fast Auto Show Thailand 2024, is hosting a press conference on the used car market entitled “Turn crisis into opportunit­y” targeting both entreprene­urs and buyers. The event runs from 10am until noon at Bangkok Room 2, floor M, Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok.

Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Plc is hosting a briefing to launch a new commercial and introduce two new presenters. The event runs from 2.30-4.30pm at the Forum, G floor, Gaysorn Amarin. Register for the event online at register_PressBrief­ing_LifeReady.

 ?? ?? ProPak Asia 2024 commences on Wednesday at Event Halls 98-104, Bitec.
ProPak Asia 2024 commences on Wednesday at Event Halls 98-104, Bitec.

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