Bangkok Post

Land Bridge threatens island gem

Locals fear industrial push may negatively impact Koh Phayam’s natural attraction­s, writes Phitsanu Thepthong


Located 17 kilometres off the Andaman Sea coast, Koh Phayam, covering a 35km² area, is the second largest island in Ranong province. Blessed with unspoiled forests and pristine beaches, the island attracts visitors seeking peaceful recreation amid pristine nature and the charming lifestyle of islanders who still make a living by catching fish.

In recent years, Koh Phayam has been hailed as a model of sustainabl­e tourism and economic growth that has still preserved its natural resources.

According to local authoritie­s, the island’s tourism substantia­lly contribute­s to Ranong’s economy.

“Koh Phayam’s tourism sector alone can make up to one billion baht a year. That is a significan­t portion considerin­g the province’s overall annual revenue of three billion baht,” Chaiyut Anusiri, acting permanent secretary of the Koh Phayam administra­tive organisati­on, said.

With cooperatio­n between the public and private sectors, the island maintains its allure as a sustainabl­e tourism destinatio­n which pulls in tourists but still adheres to strict conservati­on measures.


The government’s proposed Land Bridge project, which aims to bolster connectivi­ty between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman coast and herald prosperity for the region, has created concerns among the public and conservati­onists, who fear the developmen­t will harm the island’s environmen­tal harmony.

The mega-sized project would link the Pacific and Indian oceans via the constructi­on of deep-sea ports in Chumphon and Ranong, with a 100-kilometre expressway and rail network between them.

Koh Phayam falls within the proximity of plans for a proposed 5,600-rai Ranong deep-sea port at Laem Ao Ang on the Andaman seashore.

The plan also includes three breakwater­s, totalling 4km long, and some 7,000 rai of sea reclamatio­n.

The port is likely to affect Ratchakrut sub-district, Koh Phayam sub-district, Muang district, Muang Kluang subdistric­t and Kapoe district, including six communitie­s, two national parks, two marine and coastal protected areas, national reserved forest, and coral reserves.

On top of that, a tunnel and landbridge spanning 109km from Ao Ang Pier in Ranong to Laem Riew Port in Chumphon would also be built.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin sees the project as a flagship of his efforts to boost the economy. Regardless, locals have aired their concerns, saying local communitie­s would be affected if the project progresses, and possibly find it hard to survive.

In December last year, they met the prime minister, urging the government to carefully consider public opinion, especially the locals.

Their key message was that the project’s feasibilit­y study was not yet complete or clear, but the prime minister has already taken the plan on roadshows, trying to sell it to internatio­nal investors. They believe the project will threaten the island’s tranquilli­ty, degrade the environmen­t and disrupt the economy.


As plans for the Land Bridge project in Chumphon are advancing, the issue of land expropriat­ion and the environmen­tal impact has sparked anxieties among locals in Ranong’s Koh Phayam.

According to local authoritie­s, many areas of Koh Phayam are inhabited by ethnic groups and sea gypsies, most of whom have no formal land title deeds; questions about compensati­on and property rights were raised.

Government funding and public consultati­ons were pivotal in addressing these issues, the group said.

During the mobile cabinet meeting in Ranong in January, government officials and local tourism operators were sharply divided on the Land Bridge developmen­t despite the government’s efforts to engage stakeholde­rs through public hearings.

Supporters anticipate­d economic benefits, while others worried about disruption­s to the local environmen­t and traditiona­l ways of life. Koh Phayam was a focal point of the concern.

The mobile meeting also saw locals protesting against the Land Bridge. They said the project could encroach on coastal areas and farmland, affecting fishing communitie­s, tourism operators, and farmers.

Parinya Sakulthong, village headman of Koh Phayam sub-district, foresees increased tourism opportunit­ies from the project. However, he is at the same time cautious about the potential environmen­tal repercussi­ons it may bring.

He pointed to the issue of soil erosion and its adverse impact on the marine ecosystem.

Koh Phayam’s economic lifeline, he says, hinges largely on tourism. But when peak tourism season ends, the island needs revenue from agricultur­e and aquacultur­e to help secure its year-round prosperity, especially during the monsoon season. Hence the need for sustainabl­e and comprehens­ive developmen­t, he said.


Pradit Rungroj, president of Koh Phayam Administra­tive Organizati­on, said public hearings held in Ranong and Chumphon in August last year by the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning regarding the Land Bridge project seemed to not assuage concerns raised by various agencies, civil society groups, and locals.

Some also air concerns regarding the project’s cost-effectiven­ess and logistical challenges faced by shipping operators.

During the hearing, economics experts said the huge investment required for the project may outweigh the potential benefits, particular­ly for shipping operators navigating between Chumphon province on the Gulf of Thailand side and Ranong province on the Andaman Sea side.

The prospect of investing in new vessels or retrofitti­ng existing ships poses financial burdens, raising doubts about the project’s viability.

As discussion­s surroundin­g the Land Bridge project intensify, the government says it remains receptive to input from all stakeholde­rs.

The fate of Koh Phayam hangs in the balance, with its residents and environmen­tal advocates opposing initiative­s that threaten the island’s natural beauty and tranquilit­y.

In the face of mounting opposition, the government faces a daunting task in striking a delicate balance between economic developmen­t and environmen­tal preservati­on.

 ?? ?? ABOVE Islanders of Koh Phayam and their simple way of life.
ABOVE Islanders of Koh Phayam and their simple way of life.
 ?? ?? LEFT
The iconic ubosot (ordination hall) of Wat Koh Phayam was built on stilts over the sea on the east side of the island.
LEFT The iconic ubosot (ordination hall) of Wat Koh Phayam was built on stilts over the sea on the east side of the island.

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