Bangkok Post

Sao Paolo Pride parade draws hundreds of thousands


Hundreds of thousands of people took over central Sao Paulo Sunday for the city’s annual Pride parade, many dazzling in green and yellow as part of a campaign to “reclaim” Brazil’s flag colours appropriat­ed by the political right.

A massive rainbow flag covered the facade of the Sao Paulo Art Museum to welcome revellers in a festive atmosphere of pumping music and extravagan­t costumes, with banners proclaimin­g: “All forms of loving, all forms of being.”

For Eugenio dos Santos, one of those decked out in yellow and green, participat­ing in the event — one of the world’s biggest — is “fighting for visibility, against violence, saying that we exist and are citizens with all the rights and duties” that entails.

Almost 20 million Brazilians, some 10% of the population, identify as LGBTI, according to the Brazilian ABGLT associatio­n.

Parade participan­ts called for their issues to be taken up by candidates for municipal elections in October.

It came just days after far-right and evangelica­l parties in Congress managed to pass a ban on using public money for promoting or funding measures that oppose “traditiona­l family” values, such as abortion or gender-change surgery for minors.

Organisers of this year’s event had called for participan­ts to dress in yellow and green as a form of protest against far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro and his supporters, who had usurped the national colours during his rule.

Homophobic crimes are punishable under Brazilian law since 2019, but aggression­s against gay and transsexua­l people are registered daily.

Rights groups say 145 trans people were killed in the country in 2023.

 ?? ?? Attendees during the Sao Paulo Pride Parade on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Attendees during the Sao Paulo Pride Parade on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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