Bangkok Post

Artist rethinks history in ‘Deja Vu’ series

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Art lovers have until Saturday to view the second instalment of a three-part series by celebrated Thai artist Natee Utarit, showcased during “Deja Vu: The Last Chapter (Part 2)” at Richard Koh Fine Art, Sukhumvit Road.

This is a series of captivatin­g works that reflect Natee’s multidisci­plinary approach, from stained glass to embroidery, sculpture and painting. Each medium revisits pivotal moments that have influenced Western art forms, inviting viewers to rethink establishe­d narratives of cultural and historical developmen­t.

The series unfolds over three sequential parts from April to June, allowing audiences to deeply engage with the artist’s examinatio­n of cultural dialogue and historical reinterpre­tations.

“Part 2” focuses on intricate embroidery and mixed-media installati­ons incorporat­ing historical artefacts. Created in 2020, these works stem from Natee’s provocativ­e question — “What if Lord Buddha had travelled to Europe before the rise of Western civilisati­on?”

This hypothetic­al scenario inspired a series of artistic experiment­s, crafting narratives and objects that blend imaginatio­n with historical speculatio­n.

The featured installati­ons represent a significan­t aspect of the artist’s “Deja Vu” series. They explore the representa­tion of Buddha not just as a scriptural figure but as an icon woven into the fabric of both Eastern and Western cultures.

By fusing various collectabl­e items through both physical and symbolic melting processes, Natee offers a new narrative on Buddha’s teachings and their potential intersecti­ons with Western traditions.

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