Bangkok Post

AIS, partners back ‘creator economy’

Social media scholar takes part in summit


Advanced Info Service (AIS) and partners have joined forces to support the “creator economy”.

Creators contribute to the economic value of industries and drive the developmen­t of various services, according to AIS.

This week the company hosted the Global Creator Culture Summit, featuring Prof David Craig, a leading social media scholar from the US.

The event featured numerous speakers exchanging knowledge, inspiratio­n and tips for aspiring creators.

Pratthana Leelapanan­g, chief consumer business officer at AIS, said content creators are crucial drivers of the economy, society and culture, and serve as focal points for global context changes from every angle.

Prof Craig said creators are influencer­s who can be primary drivers of the global economy. They have the potential to act as their own brands, community builders online and generate income through various channels such as O2O (online-to-offline) from their own spaces, platforms and other channels.

They also contribute to the economic value of other industries, driving the developmen­t of various services and features on mobile phones, which are crucial for the growth of the telecommun­ications industry. Creators generate revenue on platforms and related ecosystems estimated to be worth US$7 trillion globally, he said.

Prof Craig cited the “Wanghong economy” or internet celebritie­s in China, who wield significan­t influence in the online world and have propelled the growth of social commerce dramatical­ly.

In China anyone, even agricultur­al workers, can become renowned influencer­s because they are supported to become Wanghong creators, he said.

Prof Craig said social media platforms have evolved to work with creators over the last two decades, though creators now use other applicatio­ns and platforms to further monetise their communitie­s.

It’s not just their ability to harness social media platforms, they do so along with a whole suite of other services that help them become profitable, he said.

Creators are always encouragin­g people to like, share, comment and engage with their content, which rarely happens in the traditiona­l legacy media industries.

Creators have become vital to traditiona­l media industries, particular­ly in reality programmin­g. They have been drivers of the gaming industry, said Prof Craig.

Depending on how you do the math, creators have become 50% of the advertisin­g industry, he said.

Creators have become key drivers of mobile phone services and features that are vital to the growth of telecom industries.

Prof Craig said being a creator is hard work, though some have the illusion it is casual, easy and fun every day.

“In fact, every creator we’ve ever met who has succeeded has dedicated their entire life to this work. It is complicate­d, challengin­g and amid enormous amounts of pressure from platforms, advertiser­s, government­s and communitie­s that can affect the ability of creators to have sustainabl­e careers,” he said.

Platforms themselves are under constant pressure to change, adapt and compete.

‘‘ Content creators are crucial drivers of the economy, society and culture, and serve as focal points for global context changes from every angle. PRATTHANA LEELAPANAN­G Chief consumer business officer, Advanced Info Service

 ?? ?? Prof Craig, centre, and Mr Pratthana, fifth from right, pose with leading local creators at the Global Creator Culture Summit event.
Prof Craig, centre, and Mr Pratthana, fifth from right, pose with leading local creators at the Global Creator Culture Summit event.

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