Bangkok Post

Wong to be named new PM

Lee makes way after 20 years in charge


SINGAPORE: Singapore was due to inaugurate deputy prime minister Lawrence Wong yesterday as its new prime minister and fourth leader since independen­ce six decades ago, completing a carefully calibrated power transfer designed to guarantee continuity in the wealthy city-state.

Mr Wong, 51, comes from among a crop of so-called “4G” leaders, a new generation of politician­s hand-picked by the long-ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) to take over the reins of the key Asian trade and financial centre.

He will retain his current position as finance minister and takes charge of a country led for two decades by Lee Hsien Loong, the 72-year-old son of Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of modern Singapore who stayed in politics until his death in 2015.

The succession has been l ong coming, with Mr Lee’s plans of stepping down before he turned 70 upended by the pandemic, and by a transition fumble when his anointed successor unexpected­ly ruled himself out of the running in 2021.

Mr Wong’s inaugurati­on was set to take place yesterday evening.

When the date for the handover was announced last month, Mr Wong said he accepted the responsibi­lity “with humility and a deep sense of duty” towards Singapore and its 5.9 million people.

“Every ounce of my energy shall be devoted to the service of our country and our people,” Mr Wong pledged in a video on his social media accounts.

Mr Wong rose to prominence in 2020 as co-chair of the pandemic taskforce and was named Mr Lee’s successor in April 2022 after a series of consultati­ons between the political leadership and Wong’s peers.

He was promoted to deputy prime minister and led a high-profile public consultati­on exercise to chart a “social compact” between the government and the people on dealing with issues like sustainabi­lity, inequality and employment.

Mr Wong made a very minor cabinet reshuffle on Monday, promoting the trade minister to become his deputy, noting that continuity and stability were key considerat­ions. He has pledged a bigger reshuffle after an election due by next year.

Opposition leader Pritam Singh said yesterday Mr Wong was taking over at a challengin­g time with an uncertain and more unpredicta­ble external environmen­t and significan­t generation­al shifts on the domestic front.

“Under Prime Minister Wong’s leadership, the Workers’ Party will continue to play our legislativ­e role to advance the interests of Singapore and Singaporea­ns,” said Mr Singh.

Mr Lee will remain in Mr Wong’s cabinet as senior minister, as former Singapore prime ministers have done, preserving the political clout of the long-serving Lee family.

His father stepped down as leader in 1990 and stayed on in the cabinets of his successors for 21 years, initially as senior minister then as “minister mentor” in his son’s government.

In his final major speech on May 1, Mr Lee urged the people to rally behind Mr Wong, and emphasised that Singapore’s stable politics had enabled long-term planning.

“As I prepare to hand over Singapore in good order to my successor, I feel a sense of satisfacti­on and completene­ss,” he said.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Singapore’s then deputy prime minister Lawrence Wong attends the G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on July 16, 2022.
REUTERS Singapore’s then deputy prime minister Lawrence Wong attends the G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on July 16, 2022.

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