Bangkok Post

Country aims for 2-5% growth in future food exports

- PHUSADEE ARUNMAS In 2022, future food exports tallied 142 billion baht, up 24% year-on-year.

Thailand is targeting future food export growth of 2-5% this year, driven by the global economic recovery and sustainabi­lity trends.

Future food refers to innovative food products that are safe to eat, traceable and environmen­tally friendly, responding to emerging trends concerning good health and well-being.

In 2023, the value of exports of future food amounted to 143 billion baht, up 1% from 2022, accounting for 9% of all food exports.

The higher value was fuelled by economic recovery, which increased consumer confidence, and increased awareness of health concerns among consumers in both domestic and internatio­nal markets following the pandemic, said Visit Limlurcha, president of the Thai Future Food Trade Associatio­n.

In 2022, the value of future food exports tallied 142 billion baht, up 24% year-on-year.

The most popular segment of future food was functional food and functional ingredient­s, valued at 128 billion baht, up 1%, accounting for 89.5% of all future food exports.

Next was alternativ­e protein with a value of 6.5 billion baht, up 1% and accounting for 4.6% of all future food exports, followed by medical and personalis­ed food, valued at 6.3 billion baht, up 4% and accounting for 4.5% of all future food exports.

Organic food was valued at 1.96 billion baht, down 13% and accounting for 1.4% of all future food exports.

Key markets for future food included Southeast Asia (43%), down by 1.3%, followed by the US (14%), representi­ng a 3% decrease, the EU and UK (11%), up by 8.6%, and China (10.3%), up by 16.6%.

Food trends in 2024 which provide a promising opportunit­y for Thailand’s future food exports include hyper-local sourcing, sustainabi­lity, healthy ageing, microbiome-friendly foods, alternativ­e food sources, innovative AI food technologi­es, sustainabl­e packaging, and value-added products produced from food waste. These trends are in line with future consumer trends which focus on health and sustainabi­lity.

Mr Visit said Thailand’s future food industry is growing rapidly and becoming more popular.

Future food products sold in the market include plant-based foods and plant-based beverages such as soy milk, walnut milk, almond milk, brown rice milk, along with protein drinks, functional drinks, and personalis­ed foods such as food for ageing.

In Thailand, future food is currently categorise­d within four distinct groups: functional, medical, novel, and organic food.

Functional food products, such as energy drinks, probiotic yogurt, and kombucha hold a dominant position in the market, comprising 97% of all

Thai future food products.

Thailand’s novel food segment is focusing on food products made with advanced technologi­es such as cultured meat.

Organic food refers to food products that are grown or processed without chemicals and genetic modificati­on while medical food refers to food products that are used instead of medicine or as supplement­s and are provided under a doctor’s supervisio­n.

‘‘ The higher value was fuelled by economic recovery, which increased consumer confidence, and increased awareness of health concerns among consumers in both domestic and internatio­nal markets following the pandemic. VISIT LIMLURCHA President, Thai Future Food Associatio­n

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