Bangkok Post

Beijing, Manila clash on S China Sea

Philippine­s say ships hit by water cannons


MANILA: The Philippine­s said the China Coast Guard used water cannon on two of its vessels yesterday, causing damage to one of them, during a patrol near a reef off the Southeast Asian country.

Manila and Beijing have a long history of territoria­l disputes in the South China Sea, with several collisions involving Philippine and Chinese vessels in recent months, as well as the use of water cannon by the China Coast Guard.

The latest incident happened near the China-controlled Scarboroug­h Shoal, which has long been a potential flashpoint, during a mission to resupply Filipino fishermen.

“This damage serves as evidence of the forceful water pressure used by the China Coast Guard in their harassment of the Philippine vessels,” a statement issued by the Philippine Coast Guard said.

The China Coast Guard had also reinstalle­d a 380-metre barrier across the entrance to the shoal, a traditiona­l fishing ground, blocking access to the waters inside, the statement said.

China’s coast guard said it had “expelled” two Philippine ships from its waters near Huangyan Island, which is the Chinese name for the shoal.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, brushing off rival claims from other countries, including the Philippine­s, and an internatio­nal ruling that its assertion has no legal basis.

The triangular chain of reefs and rocks that make up Scarboroug­h Shoal lies 240 kilometres west of the Philippine­s’ main island of Luzon and nearly 900 kilometres from Hainan, the nearest major Chinese land mass.

China seized the shoal from the Philippine­s in 2012 and has since deployed coast guard and other vessels that Manila says harass Philippine ships and prevent its fishermen from accessing the fish-rich lagoon.

Yesterday’s incident came as the Philippine­s and the United States hold a major annual military exercise that has infuriated Beijing.

Manila and Washington have a mutual defence treaty and recent confrontat­ions between Philippine and Chinese vessels have fuelled speculatio­n of what would trigger it.

Top US officials have repeatedly said that “an armed attack” against Philippine public vessels, aircraft, armed forces or coastguard anywhere in the South China Sea would invoke the treaty.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos said this month that US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin had given assurances that the treaty would be invoked if another “foreign power” killed a Filipino soldier.

In the latest incident, a vessel belonging to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and another from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) were delivering fuel and food to fishermen plying the waters near the reef.

“During the patrol, the Philippine vessels encountere­d dangerous manoeuvres and obstructio­n from four China Coast Guard vessels and six Chinese Maritime Militia vessels,” the Philippine Coast Guard statement said.

China Coast Guard vessels used water cannon against the BFAR and Philippine Coast Guard boat, it said. The PCG vessel was sprayed from both sides, causing damage to its railing and canopy.

“Despite the harassment and provocativ­e actions of the Chinese Coast Guard, both the PCG and BFAR vessels continued their maritime patrol.”

 ?? AFP ?? A photo released by the Philippine Coast Guard yesterday shows BRP ‘Bagacay’ being hit by water cannon from Chinese coast guard vessels near the Scarboroug­h Shoal in disputed waters of the South China Sea.
AFP A photo released by the Philippine Coast Guard yesterday shows BRP ‘Bagacay’ being hit by water cannon from Chinese coast guard vessels near the Scarboroug­h Shoal in disputed waters of the South China Sea.
 ?? ?? Marcos: Has US assurances
Marcos: Has US assurances

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