Bangkok Post

Mother wins Thai eatery court battle

Son loses popular London takeaway


A mother has defeated her son in a legal battle in London over who owns a Thai takeaway restaurant that was once named Britain’s most-loved.

Ekkachai Somboonsam, a 51-yearold chef, claimed to be the owner of Thai Metro, located in Fitzrovia near the British Museum in London. A court has ruled, however, that instead he was a mere employee and that his mother, Vanida Walker, was the legal owner, The Times reported.

Mr Ekkachai came to the UK at age five and worked as a kitchen porter and cook. In 2000, he told the court, he founded the takeaway restaurant in Fitzrovia in 2000 using an inheritanc­e from his father. Its success allowed the family to open a second restaurant and then go on to amass a multimilli­on-pound property portfolio.

Ms Vanida, 77, began legal action against her son last year, claiming that she owned the restaurant and that her son worked for her rather than being the boss.

A High Court judge ruled this week that the family companies Thai Metro, Anglo Thai and Finfish Catering were beneficial­ly owned by the mother, who also owns the Charlotte Street property where Thai Metro operates.

According to The Times, Judge Malcolm Davis-White rejected Mr Ekkachai’s claim that money he had inherited in Thailand was used as the seed capital for the business. However, he ruled that Mr Ekkachai owned two other properties from the family portfolio, which his mother had also claimed.

Ms Vanida moved to London from Thailand in 1973, working as a cleaner before moving into catering, providing Thai food at outdoor music festivals, including Glastonbur­y, and running a restaurant in southeast London.

Thai Metro was opened 23 years ago. It was named by the Hungryhous­e delivery website as “Britain’s most-loved takeaway” as a result of its five-star ratings and “unpreceden­ted return rate”, beating 12,000 other businesses.

However, the mother and son developed “diametrica­lly opposed” views over the ownership of the businesses, the court was told.

Robert Strang, representi­ng Mr Ekkachai, said that although shares in the business were in Ms Vanida’s name, the reason was that her son was separated from his first wife and wanted to prevent her making a claim.

Timothy Cowen, the counsel for Ms Vanida, said, however, that she had invested the money and taken the lease in her own name “because this was her business”.

The judge noted the mother had told the court there had been “no substantia­l inheritanc­e” as her son had claimed that his father “was comparativ­ely poor”. The son’s version of events “completely broke down” in cross-examinatio­n.

 ?? THAI METRO INSTAGRAM ?? Thai Metro in the Fitzrovia neighbourh­ood of London was named “Britain’s most-loved takeaway” as a result of its five-star ratings on the delivery website Hungryhous­e.
THAI METRO INSTAGRAM Thai Metro in the Fitzrovia neighbourh­ood of London was named “Britain’s most-loved takeaway” as a result of its five-star ratings on the delivery website Hungryhous­e.

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