Bangkok Post




With the release of Cowboy Carter, Beyoncé’s eighth solo album and the one that finds her exploring — and testing — the boundaries of country music, much of the early conversati­on has centred on whether the country music industry would rally around her. Beyoncé is one of the most commercial­ly successful and creatively vibrant pop stars of the 21st century, so certainly her arrival would be greeted with hurrahs, no?

Not quite.

Rather than being feted with a welcome party, Beyoncé has been met largely with shrugs. Texas Hold ’Em — one of the two singles she released in advance of the album — is a savvy blend of old and new. It displays a familiarit­y with the sonic principles of old-fashioned country while maintainin­g the infectious­ness of current pop. Neverthele­ss, it has received extremely modest attention at country radio. Beyoncé is black, and a woman, two groups that contempora­ry Nashville, Tennessee, has consistent­ly marginalis­ed and shortchang­ed. And no amount of built-in celebrity appears to be able to undo that.

Contempora­ry mainstream country music often feels like a closed loop of white male storytelli­ng. Which is why whether or not Beyoncé and Nashville can find common cause is, in every way, a red herring. Neither is particular­ly interested in the other: The tradition-shaped country music business will accept certain kinds of outsiders but isn’t set up to accommodat­e a black female star of Beyoncé’s stature, and she is focusing on country as art and inspiratio­n and sociopolit­ical plaything, not industry. The spurn is mutual.

On Instagram recently, Beyoncé spelled it out plainly: “This ain’t a Country album. This is a ‘Beyoncé’ album.” It was a statement that preemptive­ly denied the country music industry the opportunit­y to stake a claim on her work while also indicating that she had found a creative path around the genre’s confines.

This is as close as she’s come to leveraging the expectatio­n of the genre’s racism and exclusion as a means of promotion. Beyoncé instead made it personal, adding that her exploratio­n of these musical themes was “born out of an experience that I had years ago where I did not feel welcomed … and it was very clear that I wasn’t”. This is likely a reference to her appearance at the Country Music Associatio­n Awards in 2016, when she performed her song Daddy Lessons alongside the Dixie Chicks (now the Chicks), another act that intimately understand­s the experience of being held at arm’s length by the Nashville oligarchy.

On Renaissanc­e, her previous album, she spotlighte­d queer black communitie­s in dance music. But country music still sidelines its black roots while making it exceedingl­y difficult for contempora­ry black performers — of which there are many — to gain opportunit­ies to develop.

It’s not that country isn’t nimble and porous when it wants to be. Country often makes room for white performers to take on and off the trappings of the genre — the way Taylor Swift can slip easily in and out of this mode at will, or how Zach Bryan has been adopted, in some ways, by Nashville even though he has largely avoided self-identifyin­g that way. Or consider face-tattooed belter Jelly Roll, the biggest breakout country star of last year, who’d spent the better part of the prior two decades as a tough-talking white rapper.

In recent weeks, Post Malone has been dropping hints about his upcoming turn towards country. He’s been photograph­ed alongside Morgan Wallen, and also Hardy and Ernest, members of the extended Wallen universe. Although still living under the shadow of the 2021 incident in which he was captured on video using a racial slur, Wallen remains the genre’s reigning superstar, his popularity largely undimmed. While Beyoncé and the Nashville firmament eye each other warily, Post Malone and Wallen’s crew are in a state of mutual embrace, both welcoming and reinforcin­g each other. (Country music has also been something of a soft-landing refuge for white stars from other genres — think Kid Rock, Aaron Lewis or Bon Jovi — looking to extend their careers. Even Lana Del Rey has indicated she’d be spending some time with the genre on her next album.) That Beyoncé is making Cowboy

Carter not to infiltrate country but rather as an artistic and political statement must come as something of a relief to those inside the genre interested in preserving its norms. (It’s worth asking, though, if a Beyoncé-equivalent white pop star were making overtures to country — say, Lady Gaga or Katy Perry at their peak — would the reception be less frosty?)

But increasing­ly, the genre is being tested from outside. Radio is ceding power to streaming, and there are myriad entry points for country artists looking to elide the usual gatekeeper­s. This has been a small boon for artists who aren’t white men, who have been finding their audiences more directly, often via social media, and then letting the country music major labels play catch-up.

That’s been the path of Tanner Adell, perhaps the most promising black country artist currently working, and the one best placed to benefit from any spillover interest generated by Beyoncé, owing to her intuitive blend of country, R&B and pop. Adell has more than 650,000 followers on TikTok, 480,000 on Instagram, a knack for viral catchphras­es, and a healthy regard for country music signifiers as well as a canny understand­ing of when to disrupt them.

Perhaps more revealing, though, is the recent viral success of Austin, by Dasha — an essentiall­y unknown white singer — a catchy, self-consciousl­y “country” ditty that’s spurred a line-dancing trend on TikTok. A song

Austin has quite a bit in common with? Texas Hold ’Em.

Both deploy a banjo and wear their nods to country tradition self-consciousl­y. Often, contempora­ry mainstream country music bears little sonic resemblanc­e to the genre’s roots, but these songs pointedly underscore that connection. (The words Old Town

Road come to mind.)

The country music business doesn’t often seem terribly preoccupie­d with the most-familiar signifiers of country music: Texas Hold ’Em is currently topping Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart, which accounts for genre-agnostic streaming activity, but it hasn’t gone very high on the Country Airplay chart, which tracks radio play, the real metric of genre embrace.

A scroll through Dasha’s back catalogue suggests that country is a mode, if not a costume — barely any of her music before this year nods to it.

And yet Austin has become in quick order one of the signature country songs of this year. Its breakout is still relatively new, and it’s likely to grow rapidly in attention.

Will Dasha be welcomed as a country artist or shunned like an interloper? The answer, when it arrives, might not surprise you.

 ?? ?? Beyoncé performs during the Toronto stop of her Renaissanc­e tour last year.
Beyoncé performs during the Toronto stop of her Renaissanc­e tour last year.
 ?? ?? Beyoncé’s new album Cowboy Carter.
Beyoncé’s new album Cowboy Carter.

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