Bangkok Post

Negotiator­s expected in Cairo



>> TEL AVIV: American and Israeli negotiator­s were expected in Cairo over the weekend for a renewed push to reach a ceasefire-hostage deal in a war that has raged for nearly half a year.

Ahead of the talks, US President Joe Biden wrote to the leaders of Egypt and Qatar urging them to dial up pressure on Hamas to “agree to and abide by a deal”, a senior administra­tion official said Friday night.

The United States, Qatar and Egypt have engaged for months in behindthe-scenes talks to broker a ceasefire and an exchange of hostages for Palestinia­n prisoners, but have made no headway since a week-long truce in November.

The White House confirmed that negotiatio­ns would occur this weekend in Cairo, but would not comment on US media reports that CIA Director Bill Burns would be attending, along with Israel spy chief David Barnea, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahma­n Al-Thani and Egypt’s intelligen­ce chief Abbas Kamel.

Israel and Hamas, which negotiate through intermedia­ries, have traded blame for the lack of progress.

“This basic fact remains true: There would be a ceasefire in Gaza today had Hamas simply agreed to release this vulnerable category of hostages — the sick, wounded, elderly, and young women,” the senior Biden administra­tion official said.

Hamas officials and Qatari mediator Al-Thani have previously accused Israel of stymying the truce with objections over the return of displaced Gazan civilians and the ratio of prisoners to hostages.

During a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Mr Biden pushed him to “fully empower” his negotiator­s to reach a deal.

A staunch backer of Israel, Mr Biden’s patience with the immense toll inflicted by the war on Gaza appears to be waning, especially after the killing of seven aid workers.

With both internatio­nal and domestic outrage mounting, Mr Biden has warned of a reassessme­nt of US support if more is not done to protect civilians.

Allies have been pressing him to leverage the billions of dollars in US military aid to Israel.

More than three dozen US lawmakers on Friday signed a letter to Mr Biden urging him to reconsider the “recent decision to authorise the transfer of a new arms package to Israel, and to withhold this and any future offensive arms transfers until a full investigat­ion into the airstrike is completed”.

The Israeli army, known as the IDF, announced it was firing two officers after finding a series of “grave mistakes” led to the drone strikes that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers on Monday.

It was a rare admission of wrongdoing by Israel in its campaign to root the militant group Hamas out of the Gaza Strip, where the health ministry says more than 33,091 people, mostly women and children, have been killed.

World Central Kitchen said Israel “cannot credibly investigat­e its own failure in Gaza”, noting that its staff was attacked despite having “followed all proper communicat­ions procedures”.

WCK said its operations in Gaza remain suspended after the attack, while top global aid groups said relief work has become almost impossible.

“In its speed, scale and inhumane ferocity, the war in Gaza is the deadliest of conflicts — for civilians, for aid workers, for journalist­s, for health workers and for our own (UN) colleagues,” UN chief Antonio Guterres told a UN Security Council briefing on Friday.

Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan said the “only reason” aid fails to reach Gazan civilians “is because Hamas loots it and the UN is incapable of handling the capacity of supplies”.

Israel said it would soon allow “temporary” deliveries through additional aid routes.

 ?? ?? DESERT STORM: Israeli soldiers roam the Gaza Strip in search of Hamas fighters on March 31. Despite growing pressure from US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears in no rush to end the war in Gaza.
DESERT STORM: Israeli soldiers roam the Gaza Strip in search of Hamas fighters on March 31. Despite growing pressure from US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears in no rush to end the war in Gaza.

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