Bangkok Post

Places to enjoy the Songkran celebratio­ns


As part of the Maha Songkran World Water Festival, Ratchadamn­oen Avenue and Sanam Luang will serve as major splashing battlegrou­nds from April 11- 15 allowing locals and tourists an opportunit­y to appreciate the beauty of Thai cultural heritage while escaping the summer heat.

At 5.30pm on Thursday, a procession of more than 20 Songkran-themed floats will march from Phan Fa Lilat Bridge to Ratchadamn­oen and Sanam Luang where visitors can sprinkle water on sacred Buddha images and pray for blessings.

A variety of cultural performanc­es from five different regions, sparkling light displays, striking projection mapping and drone shows will illuminate the night and illustrate the allure of Thai traditions.

Outside Bangkok, the modest town of Phitsanulo­k will celebrate Songkran from April 11- 20. Visitors can witness a holy water procession honouring Pho Khun Si Inthrathit Monument and enjoy a range of captivatin­g cultural performanc­es.

Meanwhile, from April 13- 15, Central Department Store will host the three-day Songkran Night Party which will make use of cuttingedg­e water systems to create a new water fight experience. In the northeaste­rn town of Buri Ram, Wat Klang in Muang district invites villagers to join in the building of sand pagodas while wearing vintage Thai costumes. In Satuk district, Wat Non Sung Thung Sawang will perform a ritual involving the pouring of water and the change of a new robe for Luang Pho Yai Dong Saen Tor. The Cultural Plaza also offers performanc­es and the Otop market during the day.

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