Bangkok Post

FWD ranks second in the life sector


FWD Life Insurance has secured the No.2 spot in the life insurance industry, with new premiums surging 28% from 2022 to nearly 20.7 billion baht last year thanks to significan­t growth of the agency channel.

Sales through the agency channel jumped 20%, surpassing the overall industry growth rate of 3%, backed by digital innovation and modernised insurance product offerings. In this segment, FWD Insurance rose from ninth to sixth place.

“Last year marked another triumph for FWD Insurance in the agency sales channel as our agents enhanced their potential,” said chief agency officer Sahapol Polpathape­e,

FWD developed sales tools, including the Agency Discovery Platform (ADP) and FWD CUBE Applicatio­n, to leverage digital technology in supplement­ing its learning curriculum, sales planning, skills training, and customer understand­ing to support agents.

ADP is a fully integrated learning platform, serving as a pivotal tool in honing the potential and capabiliti­es of agents for heightened efficiency. It outlines the learning path and training regimen for new agents, ensuring they seamlessly transition into their roles.

Essential to this process is the requisite training in life insurance products, including the successful completion of assessment­s for sales authorisat­ion. It also acts as a management platform for agency networks, streamlini­ng communicat­ion between agents and agency leaders while providing a centralise­d hub for work-related informatio­n.

The FWD CUBE app represents a comprehens­ive one-stop service that modernises the sales model, aiming to captivate the younger generation of workers, Mr Sahapol said.

Integratin­g machine learning and artificial intelligen­ce technologi­es, this app empowers agents by facilitati­ng indepth analysis of customer data that aligns with customer needs, he said.

The app enables agents to recommend tailored products on a predictive model, forecastin­g future insurance requiremen­ts, and a sophistica­ted system for monitoring policy status and customer service interactio­ns.

“We persist in leveraging digital technology to develop pivotal tools for our agents’ work, aiming to enhance their efficiency and overall effectiven­ess. When our agents are thoroughly prepared and possess a deep understand­ing of the life insurance business, they are poised to swiftly address customer needs, ensuring a positive customer experience,” said Mr Sahapol.

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