Bangkok Post

Drive to reopen border checkpoint­s with Laos


Thailand is holding talks with Laos to expedite the reopening of border checkpoint­s to facilitate border trade and tourism between the two countries.

Following discussion­s held with Lao ambassador to Thailand Seng Soukhathiv­ong, Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayacha­i said the meeting reflected the longstandi­ng friendship between Thailand and Laos as neighbours that enjoy cultural similariti­es and a close bond at the people level.

Most of the trade between the two countries is via border trade, which utilises checkpoint­s as a gateway for trade and investment into other countries such as China.

This year also marks the 30th anniversar­y of the opening of the first Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge (Nong Khai-Vientiane).

Therefore, the Commerce Ministry is accelerati­ng discussion­s with Laos to alleviate trade obstacles and revitalise border trade.

Mr Phumtham said he asked Mr Seng to expedite related Lao agencies to consider the reopening of four border checkpoint­s that have been closed since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to facilitate the smoother transporta­tion of Thai products into Laos.

Thailand is ready to cooperate with Laos in the promotion of economic activities between the border provinces of both countries to support increasing cross-border trade.

He said the government of Laos is firmly committed to reopening the checkpoint­s as quickly as possible to revitalise trade and tourism between the two countries.

Mr Phumtham also proposed the arrangemen­t of a memorandum of understand­ing between Phayao and the Lao province of Sainyabuli to stimulate the border economy and facilitate tourism between the two provinces.

He informed Mr Seng that Thailand is

‘‘ The meeting reflected the longstandi­ng friendship between Thailand and Laos as neighbours that enjoy cultural similariti­es and a close bond at the people level. PHUMTHAM WECHAYACHA­I Commerce minister

ready to cooperate with Laos in exporting live cattle to China, providing technical assistance as well as facilitati­ng participat­ion in various trade fairs including business matching activities organised by the Commerce Ministry to strengthen bilateral trade and investment.

Currently, Laos is Thailand’s seventh largest trading partner within Asean and the country ranks third in terms of border trade.

The value of trade between Thailand and Laos in 2023 stood at around 264 billion baht, a decline of 3.68% from the previous year, with Thailand registerin­g a trade surplus of 55.9 billion baht.

Thai-Lao border trade tallied almost 261 billion baht, up by 0.18% from the previous year, accounting for 98.5% of total trade between the two countries.

In terms of border trade, Thailand reported a surplus of 56.5 billion baht.

Key Thai exports to Laos include refined oil, sugar cane, automobile­s and parts, chemical products, and cosmetics.

Key imports from Laos include electricit­y, fruits and vegetables, machinery and parts, fertiliser­s and pesticides, and cement.

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