Bangkok Post

Hun Sen becomes new Senate president


PHNOM PENH: Former Cambodian leader Hun Sen was promoted to Senate president yesterday, taking over a key ceremonial role less than a year after handing power to his son.

Hun Sen stepped down in August after nearly four decades of iron-fisted rule, passing the baton to his eldest son Hun Manet following a landslide win in national polls held without any significan­t opposition parties.

In February his ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) won 55 seats — including his own — out of 58 in the Senate election, with the opposition Khmer Will Party taking the remainder.

Yesterday senators unanimousl­y voted to approve Hun Sen as president of the Senate after King Norodom Sihamoni convened its first meeting.

The position allows Hun Sen to act as acting head of state when the king is overseas. Addressing the senators after the vote, Hun

Sen thanked them for the “honour”.

“It is my first time to sit on such a high chair,” he said, saying he would use the second-highest ceremonial role — only superseded by the king — to further Cambodia’s internatio­nal diplomacy.

There are 62 senators, with 58 elected in February by 125 MPs and more than 11,000 local administra­tors, mostly members of Hun Sen’s party.

King Norodom Sihamoni appoints two senators, while the National Assembly appoints two others. Analysts said Hun Sen’s new role would allow him to continue to dominate the country.

“The Senate isn’t a powerful political or legislativ­e body, but it holds the highest ceremonial role as the highest political symbol of the nation,” Cambodian political analyst Ou Virak said.

He said because of the king’s frequent travels, Hun Sen taking the role of Senate president was significan­t — and hugely symbolic.

“In Cambodia, symbolism is everywhere and everything,” he said.

It is the latest in a series of moves that have seen Hun Sen consolidat­e power across the government.

The administra­tion now includes a number of Hun Sen’s relatives, including his youngest son Hun Many as a deputy PM, with several children of his allies also holding top jobs.

After coming to power in 1985, Hun Sen helped modernise a country devastated by civil war and genocide. But critics say his rule has also been marked by, entrenched graft and the eliminatio­n of nearly all political rivals.

 ?? ?? Hun Sen: Can act on behalf of King
Hun Sen: Can act on behalf of King

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