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1MDB trial opens in Swiss city


BELLINZONA: Two men accused of embezzling $1.8 billion (66 billion baht) from the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB went on trial in Switzerlan­d on Tuesday, the latest hearings stemming from the vast multi-billion-dollar financial scandal.

Tarek Obaid and Patrick Mahony were to plead not guilty, their lawyers had indicated.

They are accused by Swiss state prosecutor­s of involvemen­t in a vast embezzleme­nt operation orchestrat­ed by Jho Low, an adviser to former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak, with the complicity of the latter.

The 1MDB scandal has led to criminal investigat­ions around the world, including in the United States, Switzerlan­d and Singapore.

It is alleged that billions of dollars were pilfered from the fund, officially 1Malaysia Developmen­t Berhad, by a number of people and used to buy items ranging from artwork to a superyacht.

Former Malaysian premier Najib was sentenced in 2022 to 12 years in jail for offences linked to the misuse of public money in the 1MDB financial scandal. In February, his sentence was halved to six years.


The latest trial, which is due to last throughout April, is being held at the Federal Criminal Court of Switzerlan­d in the southern city of Bellinzona.

The case is being heard by three judges.

Lawyers for one of the accused on Tuesday asked for the president of the court to recuse himself from the case, believing that the judge had accepted the prosecutio­n’s thesis, and thereby cast into doubt his ability to conduct proceeding­s impartiall­y, Switzerlan­d’s Keystone-ATS domestic news agency reported.

According to the original indictment, “the two accused are alleged, with the aim of enriching themselves and others, to have misappropr­iated at least $1.8 billion”, transferre­d by 1MDB in connection with a joint venture with the Saudi oil exploratio­n and production company PetroSaudi, “and then to have laundered the amounts involved”.

“The allegation­s cover a period at least from 2009 to 2015 and constitute the offences of fraud on a commercial basis, aggravated criminal mismanagem­ent, and aggravated money laundering.”

Mr Obaid is a Swiss-Saudi dual national, while Mr Mahony is a Swiss-British dual national.


“The two accused used money misappropr­iated from 1MDB to acquire, among other assets, real estate in Switzerlan­d and in London, jewellery, private equity, to develop PetroSaudi activities from which they received substantia­l income, and to maintain a lavish lifestyle,” the indictment said.

The Swiss public prosecutio­n bureau thanked their counterpar­ts in the United States, Malaysia, Britain, Singapore, Jersey, Canada and Barbados for their cooperatio­n.

According to Mr Mahony’s lawyers Maurice Harari and Laurent Baeriswyl, quoted in the Tribune de Geneve, the “verbose indictment... is the culminatio­n of a totally biased and incomplete investigat­ion”.

In 2005, Mr Obaid served as a private adviser to the Saudi monarchy, the Swiss newspaper Le Temps wrote in a long investigat­ion published in 2018.

PetroSaudi was based within the royal palace and the implicit guarantee of the crown opened doors in the oil world.

In 2009, Mr Obaid approached Najib, who became Malaysia’s prime minister that year, and the premier then offered Najib a business deal.

The 1MDB scandal led to the fall of Najib’s government in 2018.

 ?? AFP ?? PetroSaudi executive Patrick Mahony, right, arrives with his laywer Maurice Harari at the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona, on Tuesday.
AFP PetroSaudi executive Patrick Mahony, right, arrives with his laywer Maurice Harari at the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona, on Tuesday.
 ?? ?? Najib: Sentenced to 6 years in jail
Najib: Sentenced to 6 years in jail

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